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Chiddingstone Church of England School

Going Above and Beyond Together

Year 6

Head Student Speeches - Tuesday 20th September

You will all deliver you pre-prepared speeches on Tuesday 20th of September in Act of Worship. Your speeches should be no longer than a minute. Please ensure you have all speeches in with you on Tuesday at the latest (typed or handwritten). If you have typed them, but have no printer, please email your speech in to the office and we can print it for you. You should tell the school what qualities you have that would make you a good leader and role model. You may also want to suggest ideas that you might put into place if you became head student. Remember to be careful not to promise anything that you cannot fulfil though! If I were you, I'd have a practice at home to family or friends so that you feel really confident by Tuesday. Mrs Streatfeild will announce who has received the most votes from the pupils as soon as we have had chance to count them all - definitely within a day or two.

She will also announce the deputy position, heads of houses, sports mentors, music mentors as well as other mentoring roles.

Have a think about other areas of responsibility that you may enjoy. For example, school book/library mentor or maybe a mentor to another class within the school. You will all receive a mentor badge.

Mrs Haysom


Friday 16/9/22

We thoroughly enjoyed Roald Dahl Day yesterday, exploring our focus text for the day ‘Matilda’ and the participating in a drama workshop in the hall.  It was brilliant to see you all throwing yourselves into acting of different roles.  After break, we discussed the character Bruce Bogtrotter.  In the story, he is forced to eat a ludicrously large chocolate cake.  We had a brilliant baking session with Year 3, making our own chocolate ‘mug’ cakes.  It was lovely for us to pair up with Year 3, helping them with the cakes and afterwards, guiding them as to how to use a compass to draw a circle and make a Matilda coaster for their cup.

In regular lessons, we have continued to order and compare larger numbers and also completed a maths investigation. 

We have also produced powerful propaganda posters to encourage men to sign up for war in 1914.

Spellings  for next week to be tested on Friday

Main Group: Words with a long /e/ sound, spelt 'ie'  siege, niece, grief, chief, fiend, shriek, believe, achieve, convenience, mischievous.

Cued Spelling Group: Words spelt 'ie' that drop 'y' and add 'i' then es' when plural or 'ed' for past tense.

fly- flies, cry - cried, cries, spy - spied, spies, dry - dried, dries, reply - replies, replied.

Friday 9th September


You have finally reached Year 6 - top of the school.

On Tuesday after a brief period of settling in, you hit the ground running with some maths and started your new topic of 'Britain at War'. You learnt why the First World War started with the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.

Wednesdays are now the day of P.E., P.S.H.E, R.E and French.

On Thursday, some of you took the Kent Test. I am sure it is a massive relief for you all to get it done. The rest of the class spent the day walking, baking scones and reading at the nursery.

The Imperial War Museum was the destination on Friday. After all trains were cancelled from Hildenborough and, after a quick detour through Tonbridge, we finally made it. You were all wonderfully behaved. We managed to  hear the cannons from Hyde Park when we went outside for a quick break. Thank you to the parents who came on the trip to help and the others who volunteered.

Have a fantastic weekend.



Main Group - aggressive, hostile, awkward, obstinate, desperate, frantic, disastrous, marvellous, spectacular, allies

Cued spelling group - history, important, island, forward, century, decide, remember, women.

Friday 15th July 

So it’s all change next week, Year 6. You will know by now that due to the extreme heat forecast we have had to move the shows of Mary Poppins to Wednesday and the Leavers’ Service to Tuesday. It should be a far more reasonable 24 degrees on Wednesday, which will make performing more comfortable for you and watching more comfortable for your audience. This means our dress rehearsal with the sound will be on Tuesday first thing - before the sun gets high in the sky. 
On Monday we will go over a couple of the scenes, but again will do this early on before it becomes too hot. 
Do bring your water bottles and caps/sun hats.

Have a good rest this weekend and recharge ready for your last few memorable days at Chiddingstone. 

Mrs Haysom

Friday 8th July


As you can imagine this week has been devoted to school production. The children have been in full swing of dancing, singing and acting. 

Most of the class also had a transition day this week and it all sounds very positive.

On Friday, they spent a very hot afternoon at the sports field playing diamond cricket.



Learning the song lyrics


Enjoy the sunshine!

See you all next week for your final full week at school!

Friday 1/7/22

Another extremely busy week at school. We started the week with Sports Day, where we were lucky that the showers held off until after the final race. You all showed yourself to be such good sports, whether you won or not, and I was extremely proud of you.

On Tuesday, we benefitted from an information talk from the fire service. I now know that I need to put my hand on a door to check for heat before opening if a smoke alarm is going off in the building. You asked and answered various questions very sensibly.

Mrs Silander came into school on Thursday to treat us to a mindfulness session. Do have a go at using what she has taught you before her next visit. Hopefully these techniques will be helpful for you at secondary school and beyond.

Amongst all this, we have continued to rehearse Mary Poppins; it is coming along so well. You have impressed me with your willingness to accept direction and desire to improve your performance. Do remember that your costumes need to be in school on a named hanger or in a named bag by Monday.

Mrs Haysom


A reminder to bring your completed leavers' speech in by Monday 4th July so that we can practise a few times before the service.

Also, I'd like you to write a character profile for the Mary Poppins programme, which is handed out on the night.

Underneath, this you will find some examples of previous entries to give you an idea of what sort of things to include.

This is due in by Friday 8th July.


Friday 24/6/22

I hope that you found today's trip to Sutton Life Centre interesting and beneficial for you transition to secondary school in September. From my last visit, I remember that the audiovisual equipment to make young people more "street smart" was quite impressive and useful in helping to deal with any dangers and risks young people may encounter. 

Remember it is Sports Day on Monday, so if it is warm you will need to have applied sun screen. You should also have your cap and plenty of water. 

We also have a visit from Kent Fire Service to look forward to on Tuesday. It's a very busy time of year!



1) Writing your leavers' speeches. Due on Monday 4th of July

Please find below a couple of examples of speeches from pupils who have left the school (with names removed) - just in case you're stuck to know how to begin. You do not necessarily have to follow this format - it is your speech so up to you what to include. They may well be useful in providing a guide for the length of the speech required though. You don't want to talk for too long or people will start to get fidgety. A minute or two maximum. Next week, we will be asking you to write entries for the Mary Poppins programme about yourself and your character, so I would recommend that you pace the homework so that you don't end up doing it all on the last night!

Keep going over your lines for the pay to ensure that you are word perfect and also are projecting your voice.

Friday 17th of June


Well done for making it through a very hot week. You all did very well at swimming and hope you got something out of the two days of water safety at the end of the week.

You were also busy creating your powerpoints about different African tribes and rehearsing for the production - a big thank you to all the parents who have offered to help in one way or another.

This morning you all had the pleasure of the 'Growing Up' talk with only a minor amount of giggles.You finished the day with some maypole training.....I think a few more sessions are needed next week.



Bring in the items that you need to make the funfair ride on Thursday morning and the TOP SECRET piece of homework.



Please remember it is forest school on Monday and we have the trip on Friday.



Wednesday’s Pentecost Prayer Stations

Term 6 10/6/22

So here we are in your final term at Chiddingstone - we want to make it the best one yet.

We have begun the rehearsals for Mary Poppins and it is already coming along rather nicely. Well done everyone. Next week, I am hoping the majority of you will be off script. A few of you have asked about costumes and I shall send out a list as soon as possible.

In the classroom, we have commenced our new topic: Maafa.

So far we have created a timeline of the Transatlantic slave trade and also written an explanation of life in enslavement.



Learning your lines for next week please.

I am attaching the script  - just in case you have left your own copy at school. 

Mary Poppins Script and Cast List

Friday 13th May


.......and breath. Well done everyone! You were all brilliant this week. 


The week that we have been working towards has been and gone. We can now look forward to a fantastic week in the Isle of Wight.

The weather is looking wonderful for it.


Aside from the SATs this week, you spent a lovely afternoon in Chiddingstone Castle, taking photos of the flowers in the style of Georgia O'Keeffe. Well done to Max L who won the competition. 


You also baked some scones on Friday morning (and had a large debate about the pronounciation of it). The scones were then demolished after break whilst watching Mary Poppins. You finished the week on the sportsfield in the sun.



SOTW - Natalia

HTA - Oli V and Fearne 


Please have a restful weekend and we look forward to seeing you at the castle at 8:20 on Monday morning.





Friday 6/5/22

A short week, but haven't we crammed a lot into it?

We begun with the visit to the Chiddingstone Literary Festival, where we so enjoyed hearing from the brilliant Emma Carroll. You will hopefully have seen the pics on Instagram, where a few of us were invited to take to the stage and participate (I swear my head is still itchy from that 1960s wig!). I would really encourage you to read The Week at World's End if you haven't already. Several of the class have read and recommended it. 


We have put in a good deal of work in the classroom revising so many of the skills that we have acquired over the year. Next week is SATs week as you know; this is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your excellent progress. Please do have plenty of rest over the weekend and make sure that you have a good brekkie before school. We shall finish on Thursday morning, so we invite you to bring in a game of your choice to play once the tests are complete. In the afternoon, we plan to go for a walk, so please make sure you have your trainers and cap in school.


I'd like to give the new book club book another push. The text is The Wild Before by Piers Torday (who was also at the Literary Festival this week), This will be your last book club at Chiddiingstone School so it would be great to have plenty of you there.

Mrs Haysom 


Weekend Homework

Weekend Spellings - A word search that practises Year 6 statutory spelling words. There are several in the Resources Section. Please choose one of them to complete over the weekend. If you don't have a printer, then simply practise writing out the words of one of the word searches. This homework is just to help make sure some of these words are fresh in your mind before Monday so you do not need to bring the work in.

Also a few people asked for the link to the Who Wants To be a Millionaire GPS Version that we were playing yesterday morning. This version has slightly different questions and is an excellent way to go over your skills in an enjoyable way. It is in the Resources Section below if you fancy playing and seeing if you can bag the million!.

Maths - practising identifying and naming shapes. See Resources Section. This does not need to be handed in.





Resources Section 6/5/22 containing word searches, quiz and shapes worksheet

Friday 29/4/22

We have worked so hard this week: we have finished our Galapagos Tortoise leaflets and have begun our 'Secret' narratives.

We have also completed reading and GPS assessments, where you performed extremely well. The results show very pleasing progress.

Topic work has involved learning about how fossils are formed and what we can learn from them. Thank you to Ethan and Freddie for putting together an informative PowerPoint to help develop our understanding and to Charlie S for bringing in fossils for us to examine.

When we return on Tuesday, we will attend Chiddingstone Castle Literary Festival, where we shall hear Emma Carroll speak about her recent book: The Week at World's End. Thank you to those of you who joined us for book club this week and gave your views on this interesting historical novel. 

Enjoy the long weekend.

Mrs Haysom


This will be the last week you will need to complete these books so give them your best shot.

Comprehension for Weds - C1 pages 42 to 44

GPS for Weds -  B4 pages 33 to 36 (ignore the spelling pages in the middle of the book)

Maths for Thurs - C5 pages 51 to 53 and Set C arithmetic pages 54 to 55

Spellings Revision: Please see the attached sheets below to complete by Tuesday please.  There are three - one practising using 'ible' or 'able', one using 'ei' after 'c' and one using the letter string 'ough'. There will be a short dictation to practise these words on Tuesday morning. The sheets are differentiated so you may choose which one to complete in each set. If you don't have a printer, then simply write the words out on a sheet of paper.

Friday 22nd of April 

Welcome back, all. 

A good deal of hard work has gone on already. I am extremely pleased with how the Galapagos giant tortoise leaflets are coming on; I hope we can finish these at the start of next week so that we can begin our 'Secret' story. This will be inspired by Iona McNair's secret in Sky Hawk - our new class text.

In maths, we have begun data handling and you all seem to have picked up the mean, median, mode and range very quickly. Thank you to those of you who provided the song that helps memorise each of them - it is certainly useful.

Next week, Year 5/6 Book Club will take place on Monday straight after school. Our novel for discussion is Emma Carroll's The Week at World's End and I, for one, can't wait to discover Ms Wright's views on this one! Do remember to bring a snack to share with the group.

Mrs Haysom


Firstly, well done on the Charles Darwin research homework - the standard was extremely high and the work has already been put on display at the bottom of the staircase. Thank you for putting in so much effort.

Now for this week's tasks:

Comprehension for Wednesday: C4 The Beast Below pages 51 to 53.  NB: This is not the next one in the book.

GPS for Wednesday: B3 pages 29 to 32.

The scores for both the reading and GPS tasks have increased lately, which is a reflection of the excellent effort you are putting in. Aim for full marks this week - you can do it!

Maths for Thursday: C4 pages 48 - 50.

Please ensure you have a working pen. Some of you still are having to borrow from others in the class.



Friday 1/4/22




Please find the maths homework attached below. You do not have to print this out if you do not want to. Please complete the whole paper. This must be completed by the 21st April


GPS - B2 pages 25 - 28


Reading/Writing - Mrs Haysom has emailed you directly



A week of glorious sunshine -  we have got outside as much as possible and it has perked up all our spirits.

In the classroom, we have been working hard at using our higher-order and critical thinking skills to prepare for next week's debate, 'This house believes that smoking should be made illegal'. It will take place on Wednesday and Year 5 will join us as our audience.

In maths, we have moved on from volume and are now tackling angles; whilst in topic lessons we have made a heart-healthy version of snakes and ladders, which we played with Year 2 yesterday. Some of you may have spotted the pics on Instagram.

I am just going to give another plug to the new book club title The Week at World's End by Emma Carroll. Many regard her as the  finest practitioner of historical fiction for children writing today, and I think I agree with this. Here she delivers yet another enthralling adventure - this time set in 1960s England as the Cuban Missile Crisis and a runaway girl threaten to expose a shattering secret. As you know, we are seeing her at the Literary Festival in May, where she will be discussing this text. It would be good if you had read the story prior to the event in order to get the most out of our workshop.

Finally, we are looking forward to the church service on Friday and other Easter fun prior to breaking up for the holidays.


Beetle Boy comprehension sheet for Wednesday

GPS B1 pages 20-23 for Wednesday

Maths C3 pages 45-47 for Thursday


Friday 18th March


As I write this, I am sitting and looking at the beautiful sunshine after an afternoon at the sportsfield. You all looked amazing in your outfits today - I wonder how many of these jobs will come true?


This week, you have continued (and almost finished), the chapter on volume. You have been estimating, working out and then decoding volumes of different shapes and rooms. You also completed a fair amount of arithmetic.


In your topic lessons, you have been writing your script for your documentary about a famous scientist. I look forward to seeing them come together next week.


Well done to all those who competed in sporting events this week.


Star of the Week - Harry

HT Awards - Dilys and Lily-Belle



GPS  -  A4 pages 14 - 17 for Wednesday 

Comprehension -  B3 pages 28 - 30 for Wednesday

Maths - C2 pages 42 - 44 for Thursday

Making Plasticine Model Hearts

Helping Year 2 pupils improve their writing

Friday 11/3/22

We have completed our Pig Heart Boy diary entries to a very high standard. I can honestly say every single person's punctuation skills have improved - well done. I also enjoyed your vocabulary choices, which have become much more precise of late.

In maths, we have worked on calculating perimeter and area of different shapes, whilst in topic work we have made model hearts out of Plasticine (see pics above) and also begun to research the effects of smoking on someone's heart and lungs. We will use this knowledge to inform us for our upcoming debate on 'Should Smoking be Made Illegal?'.

Next week, we are very much looking forward to a talk from Dr Bain (Ivy's mum).


GPS - A3 pages 10-13. For Weds.

Comprehension - B2 pages 25-27. For Weds. If there is a three-mark question make sure you give enough detail/evidence to be awarded full marks.

Maths - C1 pages 39-41. For Thursday.

Reading. Do make sure you are keeping a record of what you are reading - especially if you are reading other material at home. You don't need to write every single time you read in your diaries, but once a week it would be helpful if you updated it. I will take them ini on Monday to have a quick look. Thank you.


World Book Day 2022

Friday 4/3/22


Thank you all for the splendid effort you put into your costumes - you made Mrs Streatfeild’s job of judging very hard indeed! Do remember to support the book fair - it is here from today until Thursday 10th. 


The rest of the week consisted of various maths, literacy and topic lessons. 


In literacy, you started writing a diary entry. You put yourself in Cam's shoes. I look forward to seeing where they go.


In maths, you finished the ratio chapter. On Thursday and Friday, you completed your end of chapter review and some very tricky word problems. You will now move on to area and perimeter.


On Friday, in RE, you became Da Vinci for the day and created your very own fresco. This will hopefully be up in the classroom on Monday morning. I wonder if it will also last for 400 years?!


Remember our trip to Sevenoaks School on Monday to listen to a talk about a Spitfire. 





GPS A2 pages 6-9. Helpful hints: present progressive is something that is continuing. E.g. They are living in Chiddingstone.

Present perfect is something that has happened that continues to happen. E.g. Mr Rowland has worked in the school for ten years.

Maths Arithmetic B pages 35-36

To use a word as a noun put a determiner in front of it. E.g. The work was very easy. 

Reading - write a short letter or postcard to a friend or relative (of any age) recommending a book to them. Tell them the book title, author, the type of book and what it is about it that you think they’d enjoy. This can be a fiction book, non-fiction or even a comic or magazine.

This can be typed or hand written. Illustrations welcome. Please bring copies (or email them) into school for Wednesday 9th. Everyone will get a raffle ticket in exchange for their homework.


World Book Day

Term 4 25th February 

Welcome back, Year 6. Can I start by saying how impressed I was with the standard of the scientist homework completed over half term. Well done too on getting it in on time. Your organisational skills have come on so much. This will stand you in good stead for secondary school.

We have begun our Blood Heart topic by dissecting pig hearts. This has helped  in our understanding of how this impressive muscle actually works. 

In maths we have started working on ratio - the quantitive relationship between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is contained within the other. 

Finally, a couple of reminders:

Book club is Tuesday at 3.30. There is a match but no netball club this day. We will be discussing Chime Seekers.

Secondly, use the weekend to put your costume together for next Thursday’s World Book Day and also to sort out a book that would would be happy to bring in for the swap.


Reading B1 pages 22 - 24

GPS A1 pages 2 - 5. A few of you asked for a reminder of what the active and passive voice involves. Here are a couple of examples. Active: Mrs Haysom set the literacy homework. Passive: The literacy homework was set by Mrs Haysom. You’ll note that although the meaning remains the same, the subject of the sentence has changed. In the first sentence, it is Mrs Haysom and in the second (passive) sentence, it is the homework. The use of the word ‘by’ often indicates the passive form.

Maths B5 pages 32 - 34

We will not be monitoring the number of reads in your diaries from now on; although, we will still be looking at your diaries to find out what you’re reading and how you’re progressing. We will begin alternative reading initiatives from next week. 

Heart Dissection



Well done everyone for getting through this very tricky term! 

Whether you were at home or at school, you have all been fantastic.


In maths this week, you have been continuing your work on finding % of numbers, amounts and units of measurement. You have then been applying these to some very tricky word problems. You also finished off your assessments.


In literacy, you put yourself in the shoes of the explorer Robert Scott on his fateful journey back from the South Pole and penned a final letter to his beloved wife.


Yesterday, you completed your Polar Expedition to Penshurst. Luckily you missed all the glaciers and snow but enjoyed a hot chilli on your arrival.



Mrs Haysom has sent through your homework in an email: researching a famous scientist of your choice and creating a fact file on them. If you are using the Oxford Owl eBook library text for your research, then please bear in mind that our membership runs our on 20/2, so you may well want to complete it prior to this date. The homework is due on 22/2/22.

Please continue to read - although reading diaries will not be collected in the first week back. Why not use half term to read something that you would not usually go for? Maybe a news website or some information texts?

No other homework  - just have a restful break.



Friday 4/2/22

I enjoyed being back with you all this week. We seemed to achieve a lot.

We have completed our newspaper reports on the sinking of RMS Titanic and published these (please see pic of display board that includes some of your work - sorry we couldn't fit it all in!). I was impressed with how you accomplished the writing style of a newspaper, which isn't easy. Well done. A few of you found the time to compete a poem about the ship, and a couple of these are also featured on the board. Next week we will begin our writing about Captain Robert Falcon Scott. The more you know about him the better, so if you have a few spare minutes to do some extra research then here are a couple of useful links:

In maths, we have developed our understanding of percentages and the link between percentages, fractions and decimal fractions.

In the chilly waters of the earth’s oceans, animals survive by using a number of different strategies. Seals use blubber, a thick fatty layer that also acts like a natural sweater. We conducted a science experiment that helped us understand how, in these super chilly conditions, a layer of fat is what keeps these animals’ internal organs from freezing. I believe Mr R will add some photos later.


Reading - if you all manage to have your diaries in and complete on Monday I shall keep my promise and allocate 15 minutes of golden time! Make sure you diary is in your bag on Sunday night.

Comprehension A6 pages 17 to 19 for Wednesday

GPS - C4 pages 52 to 55 for Wednesday

Maths - B4 pages 29 to 31 for Thursday

Spellings - Adding –es to nouns and verbs ending in –y. The y is changed to i before –es is added. flies, tries, replies, copies, cherries, babies, carries, butterflies, daisies, stories. We will be working on where the possessive apostrophe will go with the noun word (e.g. Babies' dummies) as a few of you asked for some revision on this rule.

Hopefully you will all have seen the letter with the half term homework that I sent yesterday. I sent it early in case some of you were going away and wanted to get on with it before you go. I included a login for Oxford Owl eBook Library for your research, but you may of course, use other sources too if you would like. This homework is due on the first day back after half term.

Friday 28th January


Another strange week at Chiddingstone.....I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching you all this week. I am sure you are looking forward to having a change and welcoming Mrs Haysom coming back. Well done to everyone at home for all the work that you have put in.


In maths this week, you have finished off Book A and completed the three assessments. You all did very well and you should be proud. On Monday, you will be starting Book B. Half way through the year in your maths learning!


You have been completing a lot of topic work this week:

The work on indigenous tribes of the Arctic.

Creating the wonderful images of the 'Northern Lights' and Arctic tundra.

The iceberg experiment and the resulting write up of the experiement - you learnt why salt is used on roads in the winter.


In forest school, you created some wonderful ice lanterns - I wonder how long they will take to melt once the candle is in?


HT awards - Annabel and Natalia

SOTW - Jax

RR - Charlie S


Next week's homeworks:

GPS C3 pages 48-51 

Comprehension A5 pages 14-16

Maths B3 pages 26-28



Next week we will be working on the suffix ending 'cial' or 'tial' that sounds like 'shul'.

It can change a noun (naming word) into an adjective (describing word). Vowels are the letters 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'; all other letters are consonants.

–cial is common after a vowel letter: facial, official, social crucial, artificial, special.

And use –tial after a consonant letter: partial essential, martial, potential, substantial, confidential.

When you practise writing them out, write the relevant vowel or consonant in a different colour (or underline it) – as I have done.

Friday 21/1/22

Another busy week for you all I gather and I'm sorry not to have been in class with you.

Mr Rowland has kept me updated with what you've been learning and I hope I have the following correct:

Maths - units of length, mass and volume.

Literacy - readings about RMS Titanic and also beginning your newspaper articles about it sinking.

Topic - building RMS Titanic at Forest School (I believe photos were on Instagram) and creating posters about Polar animals.

P.E.- gym.

I very much hope to be back in school with you early next week so that we can finish those newspaper reports and tuck into more chapters of Pig Heart Boy.

Mrs Haysom


GPS - Test C2 pages 44 - 47 for Weds. Do use a dictionary to assist you with the synonyms in Q4. You may, of course, ask for help or look up anything you need to - not just the word definition questions. I often recommend as being a useful site if you need to check something to do with GPS and indeed for other homework.

Comprehension - Test A4 pages 11 - 13 for Weds

Maths - Test B2 pages 23 - 25 - for Thurs

Reading as usual please.

Spellings - A bit of revision as the following seemed to catch quite a few of you out in the recent assessment:

Endings which sound like /ʃəs/ spelt –cious or –tious.

Luckily for us, not many words  words end like this. If the root word ends in –ce, the /ʃ/ sound is often spelt as c – e.g. vice – vicious, grace – gracious, space – spacious, malice – malicious.

Others are precious, conscious, delicious, suspicious, ambitious.

-tious words are cautious, fictitious, infectious, nutritious

One that doesn't fit at all but is worth  learning is anxious.

Do make sure that you know the meanings of all of the above so that you can use them in sentences. This way you will be more likely to remember the words and also expand your vocabulary at the same time.

e.g. The cold in the Antarctic is vicious.

RMS Titanic was a spacious vessel.






Friday 14th January


You started off the week with Forest School where you made local landscapes and compared them to the Arctic tundra. In your topic lessons you also learnt about 'The Challenges of Climate Change'. You also completed some drawings of either the Titanic, lifeboats or icebergs. Please note that Forest School will be on Thursdays for the rest of the term.


In maths you completed the chapter on decimals. You have been working hard on mulitplying decimals by whole numbers and dividing decimals by 2-digit numbers. Next week you will move on to measurements.


In your R.E. lesson, you continued to learn about Islam and had some wonderful questions about the 5 Pillars.


During literacy lessons, you have been gathering information about the Titanic. This will help you with your newspaper article next week. On top of this you also completed your literacy assessments.....what a week! 


Have a fantastic weekend!




Please make sure that you bring in your reading record (signed) on Monday.


Spellings for class page for everyone:

Words ending in l + suffix 'ly'. 

real really

usual usually

general generally

equal equally

essential essentially

graceful gracefully

beautiful beautifully

final finally

normal normally

thankful thankfully


GPS - C1 pages 40-43

Comprehension - 3A pages 8-10

Maths - B1 pages 20-22


Friday 7/1/22

Welcome back Year 6 - good to see you all.

We have begun our Frozen Kingdom topic and so far have learnt about lines of latitude and longitude and also about the Arctic and Southern Oceans. Next week, we will investigate our local landscape as part of our forest school learning and then compare the locale to polar regions. Do remember your forest school kit on Monday.

In Literacy, we have developed our understanding of the use of colons, whilst in maths, we have focused on multiplying whole numbers by decimals.

We shall be doing assessments throughout next week so please make sure your pencil case has all of the necessary working stationery.



Reading - five reads please (one to an adult) and signed by a parent. Make sure you have your diary in school on Monday.

Spellings - as we have assessments next week, there will be no spellings until after the results.

Comprehension - Set A Test 2 pages 5-7. For Weds please.

GPS - Set B Test 4, pages 32-35. For Weds please.

Maths - Set A pages 16-17 and Set A puzzle page 18.



Friday 17th of December 

Last day of term! 


We were so proud of your contribution to the Carol Service. The congregation was visibly moved by your splendid Christmas Truce drama as well as your superb singing and musical recitals. Well done - you've earnt your break!


We are looking forward to seeing you back at school on 5th of January, when our new topic will be Frozen Kingdom. 

This knowledge-rich project will teach us about the characteristics and features of polar regions, including the North and South Poles, and includes a detailed exploration of the environmental factors that shape and influence them.


Now that we have completed the wonderful Letters from the Lighthouse, the Term 2 class text will be Pig Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman for those of you who like to read along.


Also a reminder that the new Year 5/6 Book Club text is The Chime Seekers by Ross Montgomery. We will meet to discuss this in the new year. Ms Wright and I hope that plenty of you will join us - it would be good to have some new faces as well as our regular loyal members.


And so as Tiny Tim said, 'A Merry Christmas to us all. God bless us every one.'

Mrs H and Mr R



No GPS, Comprehension or Maths (although the books are being sent home for next term). Instead, I would like you to complete the film review that we discussed in class. Please see the attached for further details. This is due in on the first day of next term

Reading - please do keep reading. The diaries will be checked again on Monday 10th of January. Please make sure that you have at least 5 reads (one to an adult) and that your diary is signed.


Please revise the spellings words from Term 2 ready for a small assessment on Wednesday 5th of Jan. They are attached.

Chistmas cakes!

Friday 9th December


Christmas is now in full swing in Year 6. The tree is up. The decorations are up. The clock has a pair of antlers. We have also been busy making Christmas cards and Christmas Cakes. We have also been practising the play for the carol concert and rehearsing the songs. 


In literacy, we have been busy finishing off Christmas stories. There have been some very magical ideas but also some unusual ones.


During maths, we finished the chapter on fractions and moved on to decimals. We have been reading and writing decimals. We then moved on to converting decimals.


During the topic lessons, we learnt about the Battle of the Bulge and had great fun knitting on-and-off for most of the week......with only a couple of 'dropped stitches'.


There have been countless other R.E, P.E, P.S.H.E and G.P.S lessons too.

Mr Rowland



Reading as usual.

Maths - Set A Test 5

GPS - Set B Test 3

Comprehension - Not this week - make sure your lines are nice and clear.

Please could you also bring in 1 accessory to wear for your role. e.g. a scarf or gloves or a suitable prop (no guns). 


Christmas Joke - What cereal does a snowman eat for breakfast?

Answers in your reading diary on Monday morning to prove that you do look at the class page! We really enjoyed the various answers last week. Sam came up with three different possibilities - all very amusing!


Spellings -  

Words with ‘silent’ letters (i.e. letters whose presence cannot be predicted from the pronunciation of the word)

Some letters which are no longer sounded used to be sounded hundreds of years ago: e.g. in knight, there was a /k/ sound before the /n/, and the gh used to represent the sound that ‘ch’ now represents in the Scottish word loch.

doubt, island, lamb, solemn, thistle, knight

Friday 2/12/21

Rehearsals for our Christmas Truce drama are coming on very nicely. Thank you to those of you who have already learnt your lines and are now practising using your voices to ensure that you can be heard all around the church.

Thank you also to Freddie for putting together a superb PowerPoint to accompany the sketch.

In class, we have completed our dividing with fractions topic and have also published our Anne Frank biography introductions and conclusions. Well done to those of you who managed to incorporate semi-colons into your writing.

Next week (Monday), we shall begin knitting our squares, which we intend to make into a blanket and send to a shelter for the homeless. We now have the needles in school, but could do with some wool. If anyone, has any leftovers from previous knitting projects, we would be extremely grateful for them. Likewise, we would be very appreciative for any offers of help on Monday afternoon. Please do email the office if you have anyone at home who would be willing to help with rescuing dropped stitches!

Book Club – Thank you to those of you who stayed behind on Monday and joined our discussion about the Ross Welford text. Our next title is The Chime Seekers by Ross Montgomery. Step into a world of faerie tricks and hidden danger...
When an evil faerie steals Yanni’s baby sister and swaps her for a changeling, Yanni is swept into a dangerous race against time to get her back.
For faeries delight in tricks and rescuing her won’t be easy. With the help of his cousin, Amy, and the reluctant changeling, Yanni must travel to goblin palaces and battle-swept oceans, discovering ancient treasures and secrets along the way.
Yanni will need every drop of courage and even a few tricks of his own, if he’s to outwit the faerie and save his sister

Bursting with Ross's trademark charm, humour and heart, it is perfect reading for fans of Emma Carroll (author of Letters from the Lighthouse).

Mrs Haysom


Reading as usual please. Please find a Christmas joke:

What do Santa’s little helpers have to learn to help them read and spell at school?

When you’re completing your diary have a go at coming up with an answer to the above and write it in your reading record. I will then know that you’ve read the class page this week. House points for amusing suggestions.

GPS - Set B, Test 2

Maths - Set A, Test 4

Comprehension - NONE this week.  Instead, make sure you know all your lines for 'The 1914 Christmas Truce' play and are script-free by Monday.

SpellingsThe ending sounding like /ʒə/ is always spelt –sure. The ending sounding like /tʃə/ is often spelt –ture: measure, treasure, pleasure, enclosure creature, furniture, picture, nature, adventure. However, check that the word is not a root word ending in (t)ch with an er ending – e.g. teacher, catcher, richer, stretcher.  These words are for everyone.

Friday 26th November


Winter is approaching! It is getting cold and wet. Please can you all make sure you have coats everyday!


This week, you have been busy writing biographies about Anne Frank. You learnt about the troubles she faced at such a young age and what she experienced and witnessed. 

In maths, you have continued to work on fractions. We finished the addition and subtraction of fractions and moved on to multiplying two fractions together. Next week you will finish with the dividing of fractions.

On Wednesday, you had a fantastic trip to to Drury Lane to see 'Cinderella'. You were all very well behaved so well done.

We finished the week with a lovely coding lesson by Freddie where you learnt about the different beaches the allies attacked on D-Day and had another informative R.E lesson....and of course the shooting drills in netball.



GPS  - SET B, Test 1 for Wednesday

Comprehension SET A, Test 1 for Wednesday

Maths - SET A, Test 3 for Thursday

Please can you also learn your lines for the Carol Service.



The ‘ay’ sound spelt ‘ei’ ‘eigh’ and ‘ey’ vein, weigh, eight, neighbour, they, obey.

Cued spellings:

The ‘er’ sound spelt ‘or’ word, work, worm, world, worth.

There are a couple of statutory list words too: necessary and prejudice.

‘Prejudice’ will also be our word of the week in preparation for our Anne Frank biography writing.





Friday 19th November 2021

We very much enjoyed meeting writer Jo Clarke, author of the novel Spellboda, yesterday, and are very grateful to her for her giving up her precious time to come and talk to us about how writers get their ideas and for doing so without any charge to the school. She really helped us to unlock our own imaginations and inspired us to write stories of our own. We have read the first few pages of Spellboda  together in class and quite a few of you were keen to read on. Jo left us leaflets so that you can purchase the story with a discount - hopefully these leaflets should be in your book bags.

 If you do get a copy of the novel, then Jo has said that she will send a bookplate on which she will write you a personal message so that you can stick it in the front. Let me know so that I can send her a list of your names.

In class, we have produced WWII propaganda posters, which now adorn the walls around school. These were of exceptional quality. Well done. We have also enjoyed the  WWII artefacts that many of you have been bringing in from home - these really help bring the topic to life. (See pic of GM from yesterday).

In maths, we have continued to develop our understanding of adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators.

Mrs Haysom


GPS - Set A Test 4 for Weds

Maths - Set A Test 2 for Thurs

Well done to you all for having both sets of homework in on the correct day this week.

Reading - diaries completed and in for checking on Monday please. Whilst you are reading look out for an example or two of where the author has used dashes, colons or semi-colons. If you do find any, jot these down in your diary and receive a house point. We will look at a few of these on Monday.

Spellings - Words with the /i:/ sound spelt ei after c. The ‘i before e except after c’ rule applies to words where the sound spelt by ei is /i:/. deceive, deceit, conceive, receive, perceive, ceiling.

Cued: other, mother, brother, nothing, Monday.


Author Jo Clarke inspiring us all

GM with his WWII ceremonial sword

Friday 12th November

Pretty much everyone has completed their letter persuading homeowners to take in an evacuee, and we have now moved on to publishing them. We have also begun to develop our understanding of ambitious punctuation. Look out for dashes, colons and semi-colons in your reading books to help consolidate this learning.

We have completed our maths topic work on factors and prime numbers and are now thinking about fractions.

In history, we have started to find out about Anne Frank  - the German-Dutch diarist of Jewish heritage - and have studied excerpts from her diary. Next week, we will use our new-found knowledge to begin a writing task about her life. The WWII memorabilia that many of you have been bringing in to class has been so interesting and has really brought the topic to life. Thank you for this as well as your general enthusiasm for this period of history.

Thank you for your excellent PowerPoint presentations, which you talked through with us and your parents in the family meetings this week. Mr Rowland and I found them extremely useful and informative  - helpful for our planning in where to take your learning next.

I'm so pleased to see that quite a few of you already are well into the Year 5/6 Book Club title The 1000-year-old Boy by Ross Welford. The date for our next meeting has now been set for Tuesday 30th of November so there is still plenty of time for you to read it - even if you haven't yet started it. Please note, that there will be no netball club this day; you won't need to worry about there being a clash.

Mrs Haysom


Reading, as usual please. Do ensure that your diary is in school, completed, signed and ready for checking on Monday.

GPS and Maths mini-test books. GPS due Weds and Maths Thursday please.

Spellings: Words with the /ʃ/ sound spelt ch (mostly French in origin) chef, chalet, machine, brochure.

Words ending with the /g/ sound spelt – gue and the /k/ sound spelt –que (French in origin) league, tongue, antique, unique.

Cued spelling wordsthere/their/they’re, to/two/too, your/you're.


Friday 5th November


Welcome back to school. On Thursday we enjoyed "Evacuee Day". You all looked wonderful in your 1940 outfits. During the day you were baking wartime loaf, carrot cake, made gas mask boxes, wartime songs, played Oranges and Lemons and other

wartime games.


In the slightly more formal part of your education you wrote a persuasive letter asking homeowners to take in evacuees. In maths you were discovering factors and prime numbers. During topic afternoons you looked at  a variety of sources to determine bias.



Remember, complete your Ppts for your parent consultations. These need to be four slides long. 

1) Introduction Slide

2) Maths Slide

3) Literacy Slide

4) Topic/Sport/Music (anything extra-curricular) in or out of school.

For slides 2,3 and 4 - please write three things you have done well or achieved so far this year and three targets or things you are looking forward to.

Please can you email these to the office or bring them in on a memory stick by Tuesday.



Words with the /s/ sound spelt sc (Latin in origin) In the Latin words from which these words come, the Romans probably pronounced the c and the k as two sounds rather than one – /s/ /k/. science, scene, discipline, fascinate, crescent

Cued spellings:







I hope you all have a wondering weekend and hopefully see a firework or two! Remember to stay safe.



Friday 15th October 


We made it! Half term!


A big well done to you all for everything you have achieved this term.

1) Our COVID bubble at the start of the term with outdoor teaching.

2) Kent Test for some of you

3) Headboy and Headgirl speeches

4) Harvest Dance

5) Open morning

6) Imperial War Museum

7) Countless other activities

I think that we also may have completed some work in between these.


Next term we are carying on with 'Britain at War'. Please remember that we have the evacuee day on the first Thursday back.

Please also read the book that Mrs Haysom sent out, continue with your spellings and work on your timestables. 


Enjoy yourself!


Have a wonderful holiday and I look forward to see you all in just over two weeks.




Year 5/6 Book Club

Friday 8/10/21

A splendid week, Year 6.

It was so good to be in the church for Harvest Festival along with the rest of the school. You did us all proud with your splendid dance.

In the classroom, I was absolutely thrilled with the diary entries that you produced. You listened carefully to what makes an interesting read and included plenty of description about feelings/emotions and also used a variety of sentence openers rather than relying on 'I' and 'We'. Excellent!

It was good to have computer lessons with Mr Miles, who has been helping the class to build Lego tanks (see pics) to fit with our Britain at War topic. We have also learnt about the significance of the Battle of Britain. This started us talking about good places to visit to extend our learning, and some of you asked for details in case you wanted to go over half term.

We recommended Churchill War Rooms, HMS Belfast, IWM Duxford, Tangmere Military Aviation Museum.

It was good to have such a pleasing turn out at  Year 5/6 Book Club and interesting to hear your thoughts on The Night Bus Hero. I think we all enjoyed listening to Miss Wright's, often quite controversial, views!

Next time, our text will be The 1,000-year-old Boy by Ross Welford.

Here's a bit of blurb to whet your appetite.

Alfie Monk is like any other nearly teenage boy - except he's 1,000 years old and can remember the last Viking invasion of England.

Obviously no one believes him.

So when everything Alfie knows and loves is destroyed in a fire, and the modern world comes crashing in, Alfie embarks on a mission to find friendship, acceptance, and a different way to live...

... which means finding a way to make sure he will eventually die.

We will meet again to discuss this novel in Term 2.

Mrs H



-cian is used if the root word ends in c or cs.

musician, electrician, magician, politician, mathematician, optician.

Cued Spellings

'u' spelt 'ou'

young, touch, double, trouble, country, couple.

GPS  - Set A, G&P 2

Here are a couple of tips that might be useful.

A sentence is written in active form when the subject of the sentence is performing the action. Eg The cat chased the mouse.
A sentence is written in passive form when the subject of the sentence has something done to it by someone or something. Eg The mouse was chased by the cat.

The present continuous tense is used to describe an action that is happening at the moment of speaking: Eg I am leaving work.


Five times (one of these reads should be to an adult). Ask them to comment on your reading and then sign your diary.

Ensure it's in school for checking on Monday.




Computing with Mr Miles

Friday 1st of October


Winter is clearly on its way! Rain, rain and more rain.


First of all, a huge well done to everyone for your speeches. We are so proud of all of you and how well you performed. They were clear, concise and informative. We look forward to working with all of you in your different roles this year.


In maths, you have continued to work on your arithmetic skills. You have also been working on BIDMAS - you have tried to understand the importance of following the correct order. On Friday you were working on your problem solving skills on quite difficult challenges. 


The Year 2 class enjoying having you teaching them on Thursday. Well done for helping them understand the subjunctive form (pictures below). Now try and explain it to someone at home! You have also finished writing your "Letters from the Lighthouse" stories which I have enjoying flicking through.


You have also been busy working on your Harvest dance - it looks great. 


Have a lovely weekend.



Spelling rule for all:

-tion is the most common spelling. It is used if the root word ends in t or te.

invention, injection, action, fraction, hesitation, completion.

Cued spellings are the  /l/ or /əl/ sound spelt –le at the end of words

The –le spelling is the most common spelling for this sound at the end of words.

table, apple, bottle, little, middle


GPS homework. This is the first test in the book. It is absolutely fine to ask for assistance or to look something up if necessary. This is due on by Wednesday latest.


Reading homework as usual. Diaries need to be in on Monday for checking.




Teaching Year 2 Subordination

Year 6 Curriculum Notes 2021-22

Friday 23/9/21

Well done on all your hard work completing assessments this week, Year 6. They will prove so useful in guiding us as to what we need to teach you going forward.

I have taken home your Lighthouse Keeper Stories to mark so that you can complete them next week. We will look at some good sentence openers to add some variety and interest for your reader. Mrs Hester will be doing your literacy lesson on Monday and I know how pleased she will be with how your writing has progressed. I shall be back in with you on Tuesday and will also teach you on Friday - just for one week.

On Tuesday, we will deliver the head boy speeches, and on Friday the head girl ones so that the classes can all cast their vote. See below for details.

In the meantime, I hope that you enjoy your trip to the War Museum. I shall look forward to hearing all about it.

Mrs Haysom


Reading - a minimum of five times. Please mark all reads that take place outside of the classroom with an 'H'. One of these should be aloud to an adult, where you should discuss what you have read with them. Please ask them to sign your diary to confirm all this has happened. Make sure your diary has been completed and is in for checking on Monday.

 Congratulations to Arty - this week's reading raffle winner.

Spellings for all are words with a /shuhn/ sound spelt with 'sion' (If root word ends in 'se', 'de' or 'd')

expansion extension comprehension tension corrosion supervision fusion conclusion persuasion suspension

Cued spelling words are ‘i’ myth, gym, Egypt, pyramid, mystery

Be careful when you practise to capitalise the ‘E’ for the proper noun Egypt.

Head boy/girl speeches

Boys will deliver their speeches on Tuesday, whilst girls will give theirs on Friday. They should be no longer than a minute. Please ensure you have all speeches in on Monday at the latest (typed or handwritten). Remember to be careful not to promise anything that you cannot fulfil! 



Creating our splendid blitz display

Friday 17th September

What a packed week we have had! It has been lovely to see most of the class back together again and enjoying each other's company.

We completed our 'Bomb' stories and published them and have now moved on to another piece of narrative inspired by a short film about a lighthouse keeper. Some of you were still missing for the input on Wednesday morning, so I'd be grateful if you would watch the film prior to our next lesson on Monday. We had begun to make notes about the setting at the start, describing the lighthouse, the sea and the village. I very much enjoyed some of your sentence suggestions. This one was particularly effective: Tall, proud and remote, the lighthouse stood at the top of a rugged cliff over looking an increasingly angry sea. Clever use of three adjectives at the start of the sentence before even mentioning the noun. 

Here is the link

In maths, we have completed our place value topic and are now ready to move on to some BIDMAS.

Topic work has included creating our eye-catching Blitz board (see above) and also learning about how Britain prepared for war.

For Roald Dahl Day, we enjoyed participating in a Fantastic Mr Fox workshop and considering whether the farmers were right to be so anti Mr Fox - bearing in mind he was stealing from them!

Inspired by Roald Dahl's war time experience in the RAF, as recorded in his autobiography Going Solo, we also created model WWII planes.

Next week, we look forward to our Imperial War Museum Trip.

Mrs Haysom


Reading - five times at home, or after-school club. Please mark these reads with an 'H'. One of these reads should be aloud at home to an adult. Please ask them to comment on your reading and sign your diary to confirm all this has happened. Make sure your diary is in school on Monday for checking please.

Congratulations to Jack - this week's raffle winner.

Spellings - The suffix –ly is added to an adjective to form an adverb. The rules already learnt still apply. The suffix –ly starts with a consonant letter, so it is added straight on to most root words  e.g. gladly, completely,  Be careful with these words that already end in an 'l' - usually (usual + ly), finally (final + ly), comically (comical + ly), really (real +ly).

 If the root word ends with –ic, –ally is added rather than just –ly, (except in the word publicly) basically, frantically, dramatically

Also revise the words truly, duly wholly.
Maths - Tables practice. Mr Rowland will attach a grid for your to practise on.

Head Pupil speeches. You may want to begin thinking about the content of your speeches, which will be delivered w/c 27th.

The speeches should be approx one minute long. Remember to only make promises that you have a chance of keeping! 


WWII Hurricane Models

Remote Learning for Wednesday

Hi those of you still at home,

Hope you're still getting on ok.

GPS  - see sheet in resources section

Comprehension on Scotland and WWII  - see resources section. Please choose the reading and set of questions. Answers are provided so you may mark your work.

Maths - MNP Please complete Mind Workout P.13 and Review 1 P.14 and 15.

Also mental maths sheet in resources. Answers are provided.

Reading - Please read for at least twenty minutes. Write a summary of what has happened in your book in the part you have just read. If you can, please use a relative clause in this summary.

If you need some help with this, then this link may be useful:

Topic - WWII Word Search in Resources

Looking forward to seeing you all back in school.

Mrs Haysom

Remote Learning 13th and 14th September

Hi everyone at home, 

Please find remote learning for the next couple of days.

Blitz Poetry Task

Look at the PowerPoint in the Resources and jot down nouns and accompanying adjectives to describe what you see and also how you looking at them makes you feel  - verbs and adverbs will be useful. A mind map may help here.

Read the poem I have attached about the Blitz aloud - ideally to an audience and think/talk about emotions created by this poem. Do you like it and how it makes you feel?

Begin to compose your own poem about the Blitz using poets' techniques, like incorporating similes, metaphors, personification, repetition, onomatopoeias etc. The poem does not need to rhyme - focus on using carefully considered description.

If you prefer, you may use the accompanying template for an acrostic poem. The Blitz one is the third one down.


Complete the comprehension in the Resources Section on the Blitz. Please go for the third one down. Answers are provided for you to mark your own.

Listen to Chapter 5 of Letters from the Lighthouse

Read your own book for a minimum of fifteen minutes each day.


If there is someone to test you on last week's spellings, then please ask them to do so. If not, then test yourself, using the look, cover write and check method.

Look at the class entry for Friday and then practise this week's rules/spellings by placing the words in sentences.

Do this both days.


Mental maths sheet below. Please also complete MNP Lessons 6 & 7. I believe Mr R has supplied your logins.


Using the PowerPoint images of the Blitz create your own Blitz art. 

I have attached a couple of ideas (Blitz images 1 and 2 in Resources), which are similar to what we will be doing in class, but you may do whatever you like and use any medium. It may dependent on the resources available to you at home.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Mrs Haysom





Friday 10/9/21 (see beneath this entry for today's home learning)

Well done for getting through this week, Year 6. In spite of having to work in our temporary outdoor classroom, you showed real maturity and produced some excellent work. Let's hope that next week is more 'normal'. Well done too to those of you at home who have kept so well motivated. The work submitted so far has been of a high standard.

I was very pleased with 'The Bomb' stories that you have produced. I can see that you listened carefully to the advice about using short, punchy sentences to create a feeling of tension and excitement. I'm looking forward to you completing them next week.

You have all been so enthusiastic about the WWII topic - asking plenty of questions and also providing interesting information to share with your classmates. This is really helping to bring the topic to life. This week, we have made posters about air raids, identified who was on which side and also discussed the causes. Next week, we will think more about Blitz and the evacuation of children to keep them safe. This coincides nicely with Olive and Cliff being evacuated in Letters From The Lighthouse.

In maths, we have continued to develop our understanding of place value.

Next week, we look forward to Roald Dahl Day (Thursday) and our drama workshop on Fantastic Mr Fox. Do reacquaint yourself with the story before hand if you can. The more familiar you are with the story, the more you will get out of the workshop.

I just want to give one more plug to our Year 5/6 Book Club title The Night Bus Hero, which we have been reading excerpts from in class. So far it seems such a gripping tale and lots of you were keen to read on. Do consider giving it a go. You have until Tuesday 6th of October to read it so you still have plenty of time. Netball won't be on this day so no need to worry about missing that.

Mrs Haysom

Weekend Homework


Please remember to have your diaries in school on Monday reading for checking by Mrs Pearson. You should have read a minimum of five times at home (or at after school club). These reads should be marked with a 'H'. One of these reads needed to be aloud to an adult. You should ask a parent to sign your diary to confirm this has happened. Mrs Pearson will then award you a raffle ticket.

Everyone is expected to have done this reading.


I have noticed that a few of you could benefit from revising the plural rule for when a word ends in 'y'. Add –es to nouns and verbs ending in –y. The y is changed to i before –es is added. For example, flies, tries, replies, copies, babies, carries, countries.

However, this one's a bit different:  The /i:/ sound spelt –ey. The plural of these words is formed by the addition of –s. For example, keys, donkeys, monkeys, chimneys, valleys.

Also, I'd like you to focus on the rule for adding suffixes when the consonant needs to be doubled.

Add –ing, –ed, –er, –est and –y to words of one syllable ending in a single consonant letter after a single vowel letter.

The last consonant letter of the root word is doubled to keep the /æ/, /ɛ/, /ɪ ɒ /, / / and /ʌ/ sound (i.e. to keep the vowel ‘short’).

 For example, pat, patting, patted, hum, humming, hummed, drop, dropping, dropped, hop, hopping, hopped,  fat, fatter, fattest, run, runny, running.

Exception: The letter ‘x’ is never doubled: mixing, mixed, boxer, sixes


Home learning

Maths - Please carry on with your arithmetic (found in Thursday's work) - check through your answers and, if you got any wrong, try to understand why.

Literacy/topic - After reading or listening to chapter 4 of the book yesterday, I would like you to create an information page about Operation Jimno - the relcoation of people (mainly children) from the cities to the countryside. Here is a useful link:

I have attached a template of an inofrmation page if you would like to use this. You may want to create your own page - this can be hand written or created on a computer.

P.E - Friday afternoon is P.E - I would like you to try and do some exercise - either in the garden or the house. Here are a couple of youtube videos for a workout!


Good luck and have a lovely weekend.

Mr Rowland







Thursday 9th September 


Good morning everyone. I hope you are all surviving at home. Here is your home learning for today:

  1. Spellings – I would like you to put the spellings into a short story.


  1. Reading – Here is the next chapter of our class book.


  1. Maths – Arithmetic (you completed questions 1-8 in class).


  1. Read, edit and re-draft your bomb stories.


Good luck! Mr Rowland

Wednesday 8th September - Remote Learning

Hello all,


Please find the link to Chapter 3 of Letters From the Lighthouse for you to listen to so that we are all keeping to the same stage of the novel.

Please also read your own book for twenty minutes minimum.

Writing Task

Look back to Chapter 1 of Letters From The Lighthouse - particularly where the bomb goes off. Note how the shorter sentences can show pace and create tension. 

Your task today is to write your own recount of a night during the Blitz. I am attaching an example in the resources section that you may find helpful. Attempt to use a simile/metaphor, if you can, to assist with description.

These links may be useful if you can't remember what the are:

This work may be typed if you wish. 

Illustrations are welcome.

Read your work through carefully on completion, checking for capital letters, accurate spelling and correct punctuation.

Spellings - see resources section.


Hopefully Mr Rowland has supplied you with your MNP login. I believe he will be contacting those of you who are working at home later today to see how you are getting on and to answer any questions you might have.

In the meantime, please complete MNP Chapter 1 Lesson 4.

Mrs Haysom 





Tuesday 7/9/21 Remote Learning

Hello Year 6 at home,

Hope you got on ok yesterday.

Do contact the office with any questions you may have about the work and I will get back to you.


Please find a link so that you can listen to Chapter 2 Letters From The Lighthouse.

There is also an alternative that allows you to read along as someone listens

Writing/Art Task

Imagine you are the manager of the cinema, the Picture Palace, that Olive and her family visited in Chapter 1.

Please design a poster with instructions as to how customers should evacuate in the case of an air-raid.

You will need to use imperative (bossy) verbs e.g. Collect all belongings.

Make sure your poster is clear as well as eye-catching, and, of course, accurate (correct use of capital letters and spellings). You may want to add images to the poster.

This can be produced on  a computer or by hand. Please save it to bring in on your return.

Spellings - see attached.


Mr Rowland will be sending you home your MNP logins.

There is also another maths sheet for you to complete below.

Topic - See below for information and accompanying activity on causes of WWII. Please save the  activity sheet and bring it in on your return.

Mrs Haysom





Monday 6/9/21 Remote Learning 

Hi Year 6,

Please find work for you to complete at home. The relevant resources can be found below in the Resources Section.

1) Please listen to/read Chapter 1 of our class text Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll. I am attaching a link so you can listen to a teacher read it on YouTube, as well as the text itself.

You will need to read the text in order to be able to answer the accompanying comprehension questions. Please bring your answers to school with you on your return.

2) Spellings/writing task - spellings are included in the Resources Section along with instructions for how to practise at home. There is also a short writing task relating to your reading book.

3) Maths  - there is a sheet attached below for completion. Answers are also provided so that you can mark once completed.

There is also a link bbc bitesize for those of you who want to challenge yourself further.

4) Topic - A task that requires you to colour in countries of the world according to which side they were on in WWII.

Please bring this in to school so we can stick it in your book when you return.

Hope to see you very soon.

Mrs Haysom



Friday 3rd September 

Welcome to Year 6. Great to have you all back recharged and raring to go. Although I haven’t seen you yet, Mr Rowland advises me that you’ve settled in superbly and are already knuckling down! He was very grateful that you returned with your pencil cases brimming with useful stationery - excellent!

I gather that you have started the new topic on WWII, which we will be picking up again on Monday. We shall be creating a display board on the Blitz. With this in mind, you may well want to do a bit of research in advance. The site is useful: We will be using paints for the display so perhaps bring in an old shirt to cover your uniform.

We will be able to discover plenty more on the Blitz when we visit The Imperial War Museum on 24th of September. Mr Rowland will be providing further details about this exciting event in the near future.

In maths, we have begun working on extending our understanding of place value and have been working on numbers up to 10,000,000, whilst in RE we have looked at the parable of the Good Samaritan and considered the phrase ‘Good Samaritan’ as someone who helps a stranger.

Well done for your engagement with the Summer Reading Challenge. Just a reminder that it comes to an end on September 5th, so do make sure you have been along to the library and collected your certificate by then. Please bring the certificate into school so that we can congratulate you individually. Hopefully, we shall have a celebratory Act of Worship later in the term.

Might I use this opportunity to plug the new Year 5/6 Book Club title please? Thank you. The novel is by author Onjali Q. Rauf and is entitled The Night Bus Hero. We shall meet to discuss it after school on October 5th, so that gives you a good month to read it. Please note, there will be no Netball Club this day.

Looking forward to seeing you on Monday. Please make sure you have your trainers as we may well go for a run.

Mrs Haysom


Spellings These words will be for all and will be practised through the week; we will have a dictation on Friday in order to use them in context. They are words from the statutory list that will also be useful for our topic. Some of them are quite tricky so do have a go at them at home too.

bomb, soldier, queue, government, equipment, foreign, desperate, accompany, accommodate, neighbour.


Please read at least five times a week outside of school. One of these reads should be aloud to an adult, and they should write a comment in your diary so we know how you’re getting on. As an incentive, we will be running the reading raffle. In order to take part, you will need to have a minimum of five entries in your reading diary marked with an ‘H’ to indicate these reads have been at home (or at after-school club). You will need to get someone at home to sign to confirm this has happened. This homework is compulsory for everyone and we will be checking the diaries every Monday morning to ensure you’re keeping up to date and also so we know what you have been reading. The first raffle will be pulled on Monday 13th to give you a little bit more time.


