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Chiddingstone Church of England School

Going Above and Beyond Together


Welcome to our Inclusion Page. Inclusion is at the very heart of everything we do and permeates every aspect of our school life. 


At Chiddingstone Church of England School we recognise that every child has individual needs. At some stage within their education some children may need additional support and encouragement within their learning or their social and emotional development. We aim to ensure that every child develops as a learner. We are fully committed to ensure that every child is given the support and the opportunity to achieve their potential.


Where a child may require additional support, we put in place extra support to enable the pupil to achieve their potential. In order to achieve this, we use guidance within the Mainstream Core Standards.  We provide a range of interventions to assist with learning, language, social and emotional and sensory needs in addition to providing resources and strategies in class to support different learning needs and styles. The range of interventions offered to your child will be shared with you regularly.


Sometimes we may also carry out some individual diagnostic assessments in school to help us to identify the type of difficulty a child has so we can target provision effectively. The impact of interventions are measured and reviewed through Provision Mapping to ensure that they are helping the child to make progress.


On some occasions the amount of additional need and support may be more significant, leading us to determine that a child has special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Usually this will be supported by an agency referral, such as Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy or the Specialist Teaching and Learning Services. This enables us to ensure that a full identification of the child’s needs has taken place and that we are supporting them appropriately in overcoming barriers to learning. Some children with support from external agencies or with a diagnosis may not be considered to be SEND where this difficulty does not impact unduly on their learning or wellbeing and the support required in school is not significantly greater than that of their peers.


If a pupil is considered to have SEND, a Personal Plan will be created, with the support of the class teachers and Inclusion Leader, identifying outcomes and how we will work towards them. This plan is reviewed and evaluated regularly, together with parents, at least three times each year and provision adjusted where appropriate. Where the child’s needs are complex and severe it may be appropriate to apply for an Education, Health and Care Plan.


This enables outcomes and provision to be planned across a range of different agencies.


From a single intervention to an EHC plan, our intention is to ensure that barriers to a child’s learning are broken down and the pupil is able to make progress. At every point, parents will be involved in this process and parent views will be sought so that home and school work together in the best interests of the child. Parents of children with SEND will be invited to attend regular meetings and input into the set up and review of the Personal Plan. 


The above is referred to as the Graduated Approach to supporting your child. 


We regularly hold whole school acts of worship to ensure that inclusion forms an integral part of life at Chiddingstone School. To date we have delivered workshops to discuss Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and many other areas of wellbeing.  We also run parent workshops. These include emotionally based school avoidance, anxiety at home and at school and support available for your child. The information on our most recent workshop can be found in our wellbeing section of the website. 


If you have a concern about your child’s needs or current support, please contact:

Nicki Durrant (Inclusion Leader and Senior Mental Health Lead)
Tel: 01892 870339 


SEND Information Report November 2024

Please find below a range of links and resources which we hope you find helpful in supporting each area of your child's learning and wellbeing: 

For information and signposting to support your school age child's health and wellbeing, please follow: 


For the Kent SEND Information Hub and details of the Kent SEND Local Offer, please follow: 







Cognition & Learning

Top Tips for Parents. Advice on reading, writing, spelling and organisation:

Kent West Dyslexia Association

Kent West Dyslexia Association information for Visual Stress

Parent Resources:



Communication and Interaction

The National Autistic Society

Support and guidance for families

Kent Autism Trust

The Stammer Association

NHS Children’s Therapies: The Pod


Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Kent Resilience Hub

Kent Early Help and Prevention Services

NHS Children’s Therapies: The Pod


Physical and Sensory Needs 


NHS Children's Therapies: The Pod


Support for disabled children, young people and their families. 





