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Chiddingstone Church of England School

Educating for life in all its fullness - John 10:10

Year 2

Friday 13th September

We have completed another successful week in Year 2. The children are all now used to the new routine and have settled well. We have continued to focus on place value in maths, ensuring that children know the value of each number depending on its position. e.g. 36 = 3 tens (30) and 6 ones. This is particularly important with the teen numbers as often children write them the wrong way around e.g. 61 instead of 16. If they are secure in their place value they will not make this mistake. See photos below.

There are some excellent online games if you go onto topmarks maths and some fun videos on youtube which we watched in class. I'll attach to the page.

In English we thought about how each word in a sentence has a different job and that nouns are naming words. We also talked about how they are wither a PPT - Person, Place or Thing.

We started our phonics in earnest this week. This term is all about revising the Phase 5 sounds learnt in Year 1. Reading assessments have taken place and next week I will be sorting the children's books and reading groups. I intend to 


Today the children did a big piece of writing about an imaginary castle. They planned it yesterday thinking about what it looks like, who lives there, where it is. They produces some excellent work.

In History we finished the week by putting our 6 Magnificent Monarchs into chronological order, looking at the years they reined. 


Each Friday I lay out a large selection of class library books on the carpet and give the children time to 'book talk.' This is talking about why they like the book, what it is about, pictures, setting etc. Then they can take one home to share with an adult. This book is NOT for them to read to you as it has not been phonologically matched to your child's needs, however it can be read with/to them. PLease return the book next Friday (or before if that is easier.) You do not need to record that this book has been read, it is all about enjoying a wide range of texts.


Congratulations to our Stars of the Week, Emily and Oliver and our Kind Heart Awards winners, Tabitha and Clementine. 


Have a lovely weekend, thankfully I think summer might return for one last hurrah!

Mrs Cheshire

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week and Kind Heart awards

Class 2 Going above and beyond together

Partitioning in Maths using manipulatives

British monarchs

Friday 6th September

Apologies this is late in being uploaded. I always aim to upload by Friday evening. Please do read this every week as I put all the key information on here including homework, things to remember and an update on the week often including photos.


What a lovely first week we have had together, and what a gorgeous bunch they are! It has been such a treat getting to know your lovely children (again...they are all abit bigger than when I first met them on their first day of school in reception!) They all quickly settled into their new Year 2 routine and are getting used to their carpet spaces, desks, new cloakroom and teacher. 


We started the week writing a letter to their teacher about themselves; what they enjoy doing, things they like, things that worry them. I was very impressed with their writing skills and stamina after the long holiday. We did some further writing about what we would do if we were King/Queen for the day based on the book 'The cook and the King' by Julia Donaldson. This text links to our History topic, Magnificent Monarch.


Handwriting is something I will be focusing this year and it is really important that children have strong hand muscles to allow fluent writing style. Therefore I really encourage lots of activities at home that can build this strength like lego, playdoh, cutting, colouring, beading. If you google 'fine motor skills' you will find lots of ideas to support this. I will only start joining letters when I feel your child's letter formation and stamina is ready.


In maths we started our 100 day maths. This is a fun daily activity where we count down the 1st 100 days of the school year. Each day we focus on the next number doing a short activity about it. For example, Friday was day 4 so we counted 4 things, wrote the number, talked about its properties. We also do a tally and count lolly sticks. This activity is a great way to build children's understanding of number which is so key in year 2. On day 100 we will have a 100 day maths party!

In our maths lessons we have been focusing on place value. Thinking about what each digit stands for in a 2 digit number, e.g. 46 is 4 tens and 6 ones. 


We started our topic looking at what monarchy is and the 63 kings and queens that have ruled Great Britain (see photo)

We thought about the history we had learnt in year 1 (dinosaurs/the Victorians) and will link this term's learning with last year's.

If children have any things at home that can link to this topic they are welcome to bring in for show and tell and add to our topic display, it could be books, crowns, big royal jewels, capes etc. Please name.

In the Magnificent Monarchs project, your child will learn about English and British monarchs from AD 871 to the present day and consider how the power of the monarchy has changed over time. They will study six significant sovereigns; Alfred the Great, William the Conqueror, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria and Elizabeth II. Finally, they will choose which of the sovereigns that they have studied is the most significant. 

We will visit Hever Castle in November (after half term) to round of our learning.


No homework but please practise counting in 10s to 100 up and back.

I will start reading groups next week and once I have assessed the children's book level will start to send home books on a Friday to be read over the weekend.


Please return your child's summer reading challenge certificate if you have one.


Apologies for any confusion over Forest School clothes and getting changed in school. It's always tricky having something like that on day 1 but hopefully going forward we all know what we are doing! 


Date for diary: Parent curriculum meeting Tuesday 17th September 15:00 - 15:30. More info to follow.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Cheshire 



