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Chiddingstone Church of England School

Going Above and Beyond Together

Pupil Action Groups

Spring 2025 Pupil Action groups 


Our next pupil action group will take place next term. 

Pupil Action Groups at Chiddingstone School


Our Pupil Action Groups (PAGs) are made up of pupils from EYFS to Year 6.  The PAGs meet every term to discuss topical and school-based issues. Each PAG is lead by a group of Year 6 pupils. The groups work together to discuss the views, wishes and experiences of all the children.  PAG discussions are then shared with members of the Senior Leadership Team who meet after each Pupil Action Group session.

PAG Meeting 6.11.2024

Summary Points following PAG meeting on 6.11.2024


Pupils discussed indoor break times ( wet play) and came up with the following ideas. Each year group will stay in their classroom and have an indoor play box. This will include board games, such as monopoly, chess, guess who and connect four. School will email parents to see if they have any games to donate. Younger years asked for colouring. Mindful colouring pages will be added to all boxes.

Football was also discussed, most classes agreed that bi weekly football was preferred. We will trial, up until Christmas, a fair rota so every year group will have a chance to get a game. This will be implemented starting 18th Nov, with a rota displayed in the playground and all staff informed.

PAG Meeting 3.5.2024

Summary Points following PAG meeting on 3.5.2024


Today, PAG groups met to discuss football / playground activities at both break and lunch. Pupils reported that they enjoy 'football free Fridays' and it would be good to have more football free days.  However, lots of pupils still enjoy football and think that it is important to still have it in place.


Year 6 agreed to run activities on the playground on non football days.  


Following the meeting, school will trial football on/off weeks and meet again in term 6 to see if this is something that could work permanently. 


Signs will be put up in the playground so all children can easily see which adults are on duty.

Summary points from PAG meeting 9th February, 2024


Today the PAGs meet to discuss to discuss healthy eating in our school. This had come up as several children had been asking members of staff what they were allowed to bring in for break. The discussion groups agreed that it was fair for packed lunch people to have a treat in their lunchboxes for lunchtime as this matched with what was provided by Olive Dining with the hot lunches. They decided that at break time though they should be aiming for a more healthy option and so came up with a range of ideas that they thought were fair. They also suggested that we should do our best to avoid pre-packaged food, as far as possible, and to bring in snacks in named reusable pots.

Here are some of their approved suggestions:


  • A variety of different fruits – fresh/dried/canned.
  • Low sugar cereal bars (without nuts) or homemade low-sugar flapjacks
  • Malt loaf
  • Popcorn
  • Rice cakes
  • Bread sticks
  • Yoghurt
  • Cheese sticks
  • Carrot and cucumber sticks
  • Crackers
  • Homemade bran/banana muffins
  • Pitta bread






Summary points from PAG meeting 18th October, 2023


PAGs have requested to split the astro into two areas so that two football games can be played during the lunch hour

PAGs suggested that a rota should be created so that each class has a turn on the astro each week

PAGs suggested that other play areas should have mixed year groups so everyone can play together

PAGs suggested that the quiet area should be a 'quiet area' for pupils to read or do quiet activities

PAGs suggested that a Buddy Bench would be a positive addition to the playground to help people find a friend if they are feeling lonely.


Following this meeting, the SLT arranged a new playground rota form term 2, with all classes able to mix throughout the week in designated areas of the playground. 

In addition, the astro is now split into two areas and school has one football free day each Friday. 


PAG review meeting 8th December, 2023

The school met in mixed age groups to review the recent changes in the playground, as a result of the previous PAG meeting. We were joined by our wellbeing governor, Mr Jerome Basdeo. The children reported that they were happy with the changes that had been made but that they would like an additional football free day. Currently school has a football free Friday each week. 





