Chiddingstone Church of England School
Going Above and Beyond Together
Each Forest School session is planned by the leader and is based on either the current Creative Cornerstones Curriculum topic being delivered or as an extension to the days classroom learning.
They are therefore adaptive and responsive to the learners requests and passions.
Examples are camouflage in Year 2 for Minibeasts, the job of a leaf in Year 1 for Splendid Skies, traditional weaving for Invasion (Vikings) in Year 4, continuing their literacy lesson on collective nouns for Year 3 and Inuit Art for Year 6.
Activities range weekly:
- Den building
- Campfire cooking
- Sensory activities
- Listening activities
- Teamwork activities
- Tool making
- Knot tying
- Shelter building
- Habitat creation
- Environmental awareness
- Storytelling
- Evaluation and reflective activities
Through natural (age appropriate) play, we aim to encourage the children to learn:
- Bowsaw
- Loppers
- Billhook
- Sheath Knife
- Flint & Steel
Wellingtons with additional wellie socks / extra thick socks
Waterproof coat - not school coat
Waterproof OVER trousers with tights & leggings / tracksuit bottoms underneath
Hat, scarf & substantial gloves plus layers incl vest, long sleeved top & jumper (in winter)
Sunhat & sunscreen (in summer)
Forest School activities are practical, therefore the children are very likely to get muddy.
There is the possibility of clothing getting damaged, so wearing old clothing is imperative.
School uniform, incl PE kit, are not suitable.