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Chiddingstone Church of England School

Educating for life in all its fullness - John 10:10

Year 5

Friday 13th September


Well done to this week's STAR OF THE WEEK - Albert.


It's been a busy week in Year 5. The pile of boxes in the classroom has finally morphed into two and three storey Tudor houses. Prior to construction, we spent some time in the village looking at the houses, sketching out designs and identifying the age of the buildings. Children were interested to learn that the church dates back to Anglo Saxon times and that there are records of people living in Chiddingstone as far back as 450AD.


There was great hilarity on Wednesday as children re-enacted the history of the Tudors from Richard III's death at the Battle of Bosworth to Queen Elizabeth I's reign until 1603. We had several weddings, a few executions and a visit to Rome to ask the Pope for a divorce on behalf of Henry VIII. It is excellent to see the class embracing their topic.


Don't forget the trip to Hampton Court on Thursday 19th; please send your child to school in normal uniform with a coat, red cap, snack, water and packed lunch.


Finally, the Year 5 Curriculum Meeting is on Wednesday 18th September between 2-2:30pm in the Year 5 Classroom and on Zoom. The office will send out Zoom details.


Have a lovely weekend - see homework below.

Mrs Hester and Mrs Silander


HOMEWORK for 20/09/24

Maths: Atom Learning - Order and Compare 

Please contact the office if you need login details.


Spellings:  words with the /k/ sound spelt 'ch'. Please focus on the purple words and learn the black words if you need a challenge.













Friday 6th September



I hope everyone has had a good week; I've certainly enjoyed my first few days back and have been delighted with the children's level of concentration and focus.


This week has mainly been about getting to know the children and revising previous learning. The postcards recommending our favourite reading material are well underway and children have been introduced to our class library. There seems to be a general consensus that we need a few more graphic novels; if anyone has any they don't mind lending us, we'd be grateful.


The year 5 maths curriculum has begun, as it did in Year 4, with place value - we are working into the millions this year but have begun by looking at the value of numbers up to 100,000.


In our topic work, we have been looking back at our history lessons further down the school and thinking about where the periods of history we have learnt about fit in on a timeline - it is amazing how much the children have retained.


Homework is to find out about Henry VIII for our next piece of writing (see previous email). This needs to be in school by Wednesday.

Spellings for the term are attached as well as the lists of Statutory Words for years 3/4 and 5/6 (these are for your reference). I am aware the spellings may not be accessible to everyone - I will provide an adapted list for relevant children on Monday.


Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Hester and Mrs Silander
