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Chiddingstone Church of England School

Going Above and Beyond Together

Year 4

Thursday 10th and Friday 11th February 2022


Year 4 classroom Zoom sessions will run as follows:

Thursday: Maths 9am Literacy 11am (short session as we will be editing our diary entries)


Friday: there will be no Zoom sessions today as we will be finishing off our landscape paintings, computer coding with Mr Miles, making Valentine's Day cards and going for an end of term walk to see the river at Mill Farm. 


Valentine's Day card - link

Monday 7th - Wednesday 9th February 2022


Year 4 classroom Zoom sessions will run as follows:

Monday: due to timetable changes there will be no Zoom session today. We will be conducting our water cycle experiment.

Tuesday: Maths 9am. Literacy 11am

Wednesday: Maths 9am. Literacy 11am.


New spellings (to be tested after half term)

Adding prefixes sub- (meaning under) and super- meaning (above)

submerge, subheading, submarine, subway, Superman, supervise, supersede, superpower, superhuman

High frequency: other, lots, eat, food, need, head, would, everyone, fox, that’s


Spelling dictation test 

Nouns ending in the suffix –ation

  1. There was no indication that the team would face relegation.
  2. His creation shows great dedication.
  3. The abbreviation etc is a translation from French. It means ‘and other similar things’.
  4. My science demonstration needs good ventilation – so you’d better open the windows.
  5. Radiation can cause the vibration of atoms.


High frequency

  1. The man wanted to get his car going, but we couldn’t make it work.
  2. First, the boy shouted. Then, he ran after us.






Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th February 2022

Year 4 classroom Zoom sessions will run as follows:


Thursday: Maths  9.15am

                        Literacy - 11am (brief explanation) Independent activity

Friday: Literacy: 9.15am (brief catch-up) Independent activity


Landscape Watercolour Painting tutorial: 

Week commencing Monday 31st January 2022

Year 4 classroom Zoom sessions will run as follows:


Monday: Maths 1.45pm

Tuesday: Literacy 9am and maths at 11.10am

Wednesday: Maths lesson and literacy overview 1.45pm







Thursday and Friday 

Y4 Classroom Zoom sessions will run as follows:



Thursday and Friday 9.10am



Thursday 11am and 1.45pm

Friday - independent work    


Please see resources below: 


Week commencing Monday 24th January 2022


Y4 Classroom Zoom sessions will run as follows:


Monday 1.45pm, Tuesday 11am, Wednesday 9am



Monday 12pm

Tuesday and Wednesday literacy sessions will be devoted to individual feedback on recent work followed by independent proofreading, correcting, editing and publishing.

Alternative activities are available below.



Nouns ending in the suffix –ation

information, adoration, sensation, preparation, education, location, exaggeration, concentration, imagination, organisation


High frequency: over, never, narrator, how, things, magic, next, small, did, new


Spelling Test (Dictation)

  1. Check out the new serial on television.
  2. A draught came through the window.
  3. She threw her cereal down the stairs.
  4. They gave me funny stares when I paid by cheque.
  5. Draft your work before you write.


High frequency:

  1. I’ll soon want to go round again.
  2. The boy said goodnight to the cat and other animals.


Please complete Maths No Problem 4A Ch4 Lessons 14-18

Additional topic resources: 
