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Chiddingstone Church of England School

Going Above and Beyond Together

Year 6

Wednesday 2/2/22

1) Copy out the word essential and then explain the difference between the two sentences.
It is essential to pay Jim.
It is essential to pay, Jim.
2) Copy and correct the following.
Everyones' reports are confidential. Correct the error.
It is crucial to steralise the babie's dummies. 

Also complete the spellings sheet attached.
3) Write the sentence out and name the phrase in bold.
The boy wanted to be an official martial arts expert one day.

Comprehension- see below

Maths - see below. Choose the sheet you feel is most appropriate. Answers are included.

Tuesday 1/2/22

Morning those of you working from home today.

Here are the details for Tuesday:

1) Practise this week's spellings - writing them out in alphabetical order please. Then complete the worksheet below.

2) Maths - work through the percentages PowerPoints below. The first one is more straightforward so look at this first before tacking the second one. Complete the worksheet below.

3) Reading/Research - read the information sheet below about Robert Falcon Scott and watch the following:

4) There is also a worksheet based on yesterday's learning about day and night. There is a choice of three. You may choose which one to complete, depending on how confident you are with your understanding.

Do join the Aow at 10.10 if you would like.

We will be reading/discussing the class text at 1.30 so it would be great if you could join us over Zoom then too.



Monday 30/1/22

Hi Year 6, 

Am hoping that you will all be back, but just in case anyone is still at home, please see the work attached.

Morning - GPS and reading (see attached).

Maths - percentages. See below for resources.

AoW: Login details to be sent home.

Afternoon: Watch these short Polar Day and Night video clips


Then study the attached Polar Day and Night Sheet and attempt to match the match the True or False statements. I shall attach the answers in case you need them.

3.00 - 3.30 Newsround/reading.


Friday 28/1

Hi home learners,  I am attaching a reading for tomorrow's literacy lesson. Please would you have it in front of you, ideally as a hard copy, otherwise on a screen, at 11am. Thanks. Mrs H


Morning everyone,


Well done for making it to Friday!


8:30-9 - Mid Year Revision (attached, again you may not want to print it off)

9-10 - RE zoom (my details)

10-10:30 - AOW zoom


11-12 - Mrs Haysom literacy zoom

12-12:30 - Mid Year Revision


1:30 - Book zoom

2:00 - P.E.

Have a go at an old Joe Wicks



Resources for 28th

Thursday 27th January


Morning all, I hope you managed the work on indigenous people of the Arctic - which tribe did you choose?


8:30 - 9:10 - Reading and Spellings

9:10 - 10:10 - PSHE zoom with Mrs Brennan

10:10 -10:30 - AOW zoom


11:00-12:00 - Maths - we are completing the final assessment so I have attched the mid-year revision (it may be better for the                                  environment if you don't print them off).

12:00-12:30 - Class book and Newsround zoom


1:30 - Forest school - Can you plot a route - using a map or google maps from the school to Mrs Streatfeild's house (Hoath house)

                                   ready for next week's forest school.

                                   We will also be making these: Why not have a go using bits from your garden.


Good luck


Wednesday 26th January


Morning everyone


8:30 - Reading and Newsround

9:00 - Maths - 17-24 on arithmetic sheet and then Revision 2 (attached below)

10:10 - AOW in 'collective worship' on home learning


11:00 - Topic and computing zoom 


13:30 - Spellings

13:50 - Topic work (attached below) about Indigenonous People of the Arctic

Tuesday 25th January


8:30-8:45 - Complete lessons 5 and 6 in measurements chapter and then reading

9:00-9:15 - Arithmetic q 9-16 (attached Yesterday)

9:30-9:45 - Chapter Review (attached today), try the word problem section if finished

9:45-10:30 - Maths and AOW zoom


11:00 - Spellings (cious) - writing the spellings out and adding a drawing to show what it means.

11:20 - Finishing yesterday's topic lesson of painting the Northern Lights

11:40 - Topic zoom - Icebergs

Make ‘seawater’ in a bowl by adding 35g of sea salt to 1L of tap water. Add a freshwater ‘iceberg’ (ice cube) and ask the children to make regular observations and record what happens to the iceberg. Explain that they are going to carry out an investigation to find out what factors change the rate at which an 'iceberg' melts. Ask the children to consider which variables they could test, such as air temperature, ‘sea’ temperature or 'sea' turbulence. The children should select a variable to test before planning a fair test, using the Investigation planning sheet. After carrying out their investigations, encourage them to feedback their results to the class, discussing similarities and differences. Discuss how their results relate to real-life increases in global temperatures and how this is accelerating the break up of ice shelves and glaciers, leading to the calving and melting of icebergs.

Practical resources
  • Large bowl
  • Sea salt
  • Tap water
  • Ice cubes
  • Thermometers


1:30 - Computing zoom - 3 attachments - do not need to print off

2:30 - Topic zoom - writing up experiment

Monday 24/1/22


8:30 - Reading

9:00 - Arithmetic q1-8 

9:15 - Maths zoom (my details) - Chapter 5 Lesson 6

10:10 -AOW zoom (my details)

11:00 - Spelling zoom

11:30 - Going through GPS paper zoom

12:00 - Newsround and class book zoom

13:30 - Topic zoom - painting images of the Northern Lights

Use Brusho or similar dyes to create skyscape paintings of the Northern Lights, experimenting with different ways of application. Drip onto a wet surface, blow watery mixtures and apply dye with different sized brushes and sponges. Experiment with colours and transparency to achieve the desired effects.




Additional topic resources: 
