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Chiddingstone Church of England School

Going Above and Beyond Together

Year 5

Friday 16th September


It's been another good week in Year 5 - our first full week back. I was delighted with the homework the children brought in. We have shared our collected facts and are using them to construct our biographies which we will read to children in Year 2 - they are studying Henry VIII as part of their topic. The challenge for Year 5 is to be able to write for an appropriate audience.


In maths, we're still working on place value - using number lines to find the difference between numbers to 1 million - if children are into stadium sports, it's worth asking them to check attendance at a couple of games at the weekend and find the difference in numbers.


As it was Roald Dahl day on Thursday, the children took part in a workshop on Fantastic Mr Fox and we created beautifully drawn and coloured Quentin Blake style pictures of Mr Fox - we looked at how to draw characters using shapes as our starting point.


We're very much looking forward to our trip to Hampton Court Palace on Thursday - don't forget to send your child in with a snack, packed lunch and water in school backpacks.



Spellings:  words with a long /a/ sound spelt using 'ai'

straight, campaign, contain, brain, faint, waist, claim, praise, complaint, afraid


Maths: keep workng on your times tables. We have told you how important they are. The quicker you are, the easier you will find maths!


Enjoy the long weekend!

Tudor Drama

Friday 9th September


What a pleasure it's been to welcome the children into Year 5. They have hit the ground running and launched into their new curriculum with gusto.


We kicked off our topic on the Tudors with a whole class drama that took us on a rollercoaster ride through the Tudor Dynasty - starting with the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485 and culminating in the reign of Elizabeth I. It was sad but relevant, to make the connection between the first Queen Elizabeth and the late Elizabeth II and the children were very engaged and knowledgeable in Mrs Streatfeild's Act of Worship celebrating the Queen's life.


In literacy we discussed the importance of reading and how crucial it is that the children choose books that they enjoy. We've chosen the books for our class library and are awaiting delivery of new bookcases to put them in. Our first piece of writing was to compose a letter to a classmate recommending our favourite books.


Our maths focus has been on place value  - we're moving into numbers to one million and identifying the value of individual digits depending on their position in a number.



please could the children find at least 5 interesting facts about Henry VIII. We'll begin writing his biography on Wednesday so can they have them in by Wednesday morning?

Spellings: The /a/ sound spelt -ey. Hey, they, obey, grey, prey, survey, disobey.

Challenge Words: although, build, guard, century, reformation.


Final Friday of Year 5

Friday 15th July


We have reached the final Friday of year 5! The children started the week with some serious maths and literacy but ended with a picnic and a play on the Rec. 


We are looking forward to our turn as Chimney Sweeps in the Summer Production on Wednesday.


There is no homework.


Have a lovely weekend and try not to melt!

Friday 8th July


Thank you so much to all of you who could make it to the Open Evening last night. It was wonderful to see you all and the children clearly enjoyed showing you the fruits of their labour. It truly made me feel how lucky we are to have such a supportive parent body.


In other news, we've been collecting data on light, sound and temperature levels around the school with a view to using the information to create line graphs. We were astonished to find the thermometer in the sun recording temperatures north of 35 degrees!


Further to the letter sent out earlier today, Year 5 will be Chimney Sweeps in the Summer Production  - they will need:

  • grey trousers/leggings
  • old white school shirt
  • bandana/neckerchief - any colour
  • black school shoes

Please can costumes be in school by Wednesday in a named bag.


Looks like it's going to be a hot weekend - no homework again, just enjoy the sunshine.




Friday 1st July


This week kicked off with an excellent Sports Day. It was lovely to have the children back to mixing within their houses and to see plenty of healthy competition - the medals are on their way.


In maths, we have completed our learning on measurement with a final few lessons on volume. We have also looked at Roman Numerals and we've been revising how to find fractions and percentages of numbers.


Tenses have been the order of the day in literacy as we have been practising the past and present progressive. Our book 'Clockwork' is beginning to get good.


Don't forget to bring in a shoe box, cereal box or something similar for our clockmaking session next Thursday. You may also bring in any items you would like to use to make your clock.


Have a lovely weekend - we look forward to seeing many of you on Thursday from 6.30pm for the Open Evening.



Spellings: mechanic, technique, echo, position, possession, accommodation, broccoli.

Cued Spellings: meet/meat, break/brake, wear/where, were/we're

Cooking up a storm in our seasonal cooking morning. Summer Pasta Salad, Courgette Ribbon Salad, Stewed Rhubarb and Shortbread.....YUM

Friday 24th June


Well done to all the children for their hard work and co-operation in our cooking morning. We created a full seasonal meal and the team work in action was impressive. I hope the results were tasty.


Aside from our culinary exploits, Year 5 have been focusing on finding the area of shapes and revising the difference between area and perimeter.

In grammar we've revisited pronouns and modal verbs and we've been ensuring we answer comprehension questions fully and accurately.


Everyone has been intrigued and fascinated by the photographs of our various life stages - thank you for sending them in.


Don't forget it's Sports Day on Monday  - children are to come in wearing PE kit, make sure they have a bottle of water and they should be wearing sun cream if it's hot.


There is no homework.


Have a lovely weekend.





Friday 17th June


How extraordinary that it's a whole week since our return from PGL. Year 5 are still basking in the glow of the fabulous praise they received from staff at the Windmill Hill site and it's clear the trip was a real bonding experience.

We have looked at photos of our time there and the children have written postcards detailing their favourite moments.


In other news, we spent Thursday afternoon tasting, describing and assessing seasonal produce and working out how to 'Eat the seasons.' Fennel went down surprisingly well but rhubarb was less popular. The most exciting things we tasted were the basil and salad leaves we had grown ourselves from seeds planted in cotton wool balls in plastic gloves!


Our class book "Clockwork" is proving intriguing and we'll be spending more time on it next week.


There is no literacy homework and I will give out spelling words next week when I have checked the spelling assessment we did this week.


Have a lovely weekend

Year 5

Friday 20th May


Well done to the whole class for a successful week in the swimming pool. It was a pleasure to see how well the children conducted themselves both in and out of the pool - hopefully they enjoyed it.


In class this week, we have heard several 'Greatest Person Ever' speeches about everyone from Steve Jobs to David Attenborough via Her Majesty the Queen and a few of the mums in the class -  what impressive company we keep! Confidence and clarity have been the order of the day with children developing fantastic public speaking skills.


Next term kicks off with a trip to Rochester to the Synagogue and Cathedral on 6th June, followed swiftly by our residential trip to PGL at Windmill Hill. - thank goodness we have a couple of weeks R & R beforehand.


The only homework this half-term is to decorate the two pennants brought home in school bags. These will form part of a Jubilee Bunting display for our celebratory school lunch on Tuesday 7th June.


Our next topic is 'Time Traveller'  - please see the letter and information sent home today. We'll be reading 'Clockwork' by Phillip Pullman; do bring in a copy if you have one at home We still have a few loose ends to tie up on Sow, Grow and Farm so we will run the topics in tandem for a couple of weeks next term.





Friday 13th May


What a lovely week we have had.


On Monday, we started by finishing off the chapter of position and movement in maths. We then moved into the chapter of measurements for the rest of the week. The sportsfield was the next venue for the day followed the woods at Chiddingstone Castle for forest school. Please note that there is no forest school next week. 


Off we went to the farm on Tuesday. A big thank you to Mrs Hester and Mr Miles who gave up their free time for the trip. We carried out some scientific research about the wildflife on the farm. We then had a tour of the dairy farm and we able to feed the calves.


In literacy, we have started work on persuasive writing in preparation for a dabate that we will have having next term.


During topic lessons, you have learnt about different climate zones around the world.


Please note that Mrs Haysom will be teaching the class on Monday and Tuesday next week.

Please remember that the class are also swimming next week. There is therefore no P.E next week. The children should therefore come into school in their summer uniform everyday.





GPS - 44-45

Reading - Please make sure that you continue to read at home

Maths - Arithmetic sheet


Friday 6th May

It's been another lovely week in School, with beautiful sunshine on Friday. I hope those of you who went to the disco enjoyed yourselves.

We've been focusing on persuasive writing in literacy this week (see below for related homework) and have been enjoying reading Charlotte's Web together - Charlotte has just found a way to save Wilbur from the chop!

In maths we finished on successive reflections - learning how to reflect a shape multiple times and find co-ordinates of the new positions.

Our topic work has zoomed in on the internal workings of flowering plants. We dissected lilies on Thursday to identify the male and female parts which helped us understand sexual reproduction in plants. We also created information sheets on various animal lifecycles.

Have a lovely weekend.



Spellings: equipment, environment, government, parliament, enjoyment, document, management, movement, replacement, statement

Cued spellings: words ending in -il and -al - pencil, fossil, nostril, pupil, metal, pedal, capital, hospital, animal, oval


GPS: P 40-43 - apologies; you didn't have your books to do this last week.


Literacy: Please write a speech, using the attached template, describing your "Greatest Person Ever" - remember, your aim is to persuade your audience of your chosen person's brilliance and I would like you to present it to the class. There is an example text attached to guide you and it will be helpful to watch the video and read the notes here:

These should be done by next Wednesday 18th May and you may write them or type them. They can be brought in or emailed in. If you have completed yours before next Wednesday, please bring it in early.


Maths: in yellow books for Tuesday

Persuasive Speech Writing Template and Example Text

Falconhurst Trip

Friday 29th April


What a lovely week we've had, planting things, researching spiders and revising shapes. The highlight was our trip to Falconhurst where we saw pigs, puppies and lambs and had a good rummage round the shop to see what we could buy that was locally sourced and produced. We also investigated the poly-tunnel and tasted some of the delicious peppery salad leaves growing there.


We finished by planting various seeds which are now in pots in the classroom so we're hoping to see signs of germination soon.


In literacy, the children have been researching various spiders and producing reports which are surprisingly gruesome!



Maths in yellow books for Tuesday

Spellings - statutory words: vegetable, vehicle, bruise, soldier, stomach, recommend, leisure, privilege, occur, neighbour

Cued spellings: camel, tunnel, squirrel, travel, towel, tinsel, bagel, hazel, vowel, jewel

Literacy: GPS Book P40-43





Friday 22nd April


A lovely four day week to ease us back into the summer term. The weather was also on our side this week too. I hope you all had a lovely Easter break.


In maths this week, the class have been been working on their understanding of different types of angles, using a protractor to measure angles and also finding unknown angles. 


In literacy, the class have started thier new book 'Charlotte's Web'. It is such a lovely read. I hope the children enjoy it.


They have also started their new topic 'Sow,Grow and Farm'. They have been finidng out about land usage in the United Kingdom and also been discoving facts about different spiders.




Please remember that there is Year 5/6 book club on Monday after school. It doesn't even matter if you have read the book....although it does help!


Monday is P.E/forest school school day so no school uniform is needed.


On Wednesday, the class are heading over to the Bain's house for the afternoon. They can wear home clothes all day and bring £5 for the shop. Pick-up is from Falconhurst. They are leaving straight after lunch.




GPS-Pages 34-39 - due Friday

Maths - arithmetic sheet - due Tuesday


Have a lovely weekend.


Henry VIII, Tudor Village and Bonnets and Boots

Friday 1st April


We had a lovely last day, building our Tudor Village before taking part in the beautiful Easter Service and Bonnet and Boot Parade.


We were very sad to say farewell to Georgie and we wish her every happiness and success at her new school - thank you very much for the delicious crispy cakes.


The children have worked really hard this term and deserve a good break to recharge their batteries.


Have a lovely holiday and we look forward to seeing you back on 19th April. Our topic next term is Sow, Grow and Farm. 


Happy Easter 

Week in Pictures - Spanish Armada, Playground Angles and Hampton Court Haunting

Friday 25th March


It's been another busy week at Tudor Towers - we have been writing newspaper reports about a terrifying haunting during a school trip to Hampton Court Palace. Two children heard high pitched screams and icy fingers clutching their shoulders before they passed out in the Haunted Gallery. We have been writing versions of this horrifying tale, paying close attention to the conventions of news reporting. 


In maths, we've been revisiting angles - acute, obtuse, reflex and right-angles - we discussed the size of each angle in a circle when we chopped it into fifths, eighths, tenths and so on. We will be measuring angles using protractors next week.


Our topic work has taken us across the Channel and out into the playground where the children recreated the Spanish Armada using ships they had made out of paper. These fared no better than the fifteenth century versions . The paper creations went up in (carefully controlled) flames.  We rounded off the week with a computing lesson from Ed Miles, focusing on Powerpoint.


We'll be making Tudor Houses next week - please send the children in with any shoe-box sized boxes you may have at home - AND. - don't forget bonnets and. boots for Friday.



Spellings from the Year 5 & 6 statutory word list: amateur, ancient, apparent, appreciate, attached

Cued Spellings: write, written, wrote, wrong, wrap, wrist

Literacy: next two exercises in the GPS books Pages 28-33

Maths: in yellow books


Friday 18th March


What a lovely Comic Relief day we've had!

We started by thinking up as many words for laugh, smile and funny as we could - we were tittering, guffawing, chuckling and chortling as well as beaming, grinning, smirking and sniggering in a humourous and comedic way. The vocabulary in Year 5 is very good! We also watched a brilliant Horrible Histories all about Henry VIII and followed it up with a quiz - you might like to ask the children what the conversion of England from Catholicism to Protestantism was called, or even when Henry VIII came to power.


Our fabulous (slightly cubist looking) Henry is now up on the display board. The children used pastels, paints and the odd bit of adornment to create a tile or two each as part of the mosaic - pop in and have a look at some point if you like.


Their maths has been really excellent - they have been working out how to convert fractions to decimals and in grammar we've been learning about modal verbs and revising apostrophes.


Have a lovely weekend


Literacy - see short comprehensions attached. There are 3. You may do as many or as few as you please

Spellings: accommodate, accompany, according, achieve, aggressive

Cued Spellings: people, beautiful, because, hold, poor, door, floor

Maths: in yellow books

Friday 12th March


Another busy week in Year 5. At the start of the week, you created your own Tudor dances and then learnt what London was like during the 1500s. You finished the week by learning about Tudor buildings. You drew some of the buildings in the village until rain stopped play.


In maths, you spent the week learning all things fractions. You were adding, subtracting and rounding. You will finish off this section on Monday. 


In R.E, you were debating who was most at fault for Jesus's death. Was it Judas, Pontius Pilot or Jesus himself?


You all made a wonderful maze game in the computing lesson and I hope you make something even harder this week.


I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the rugby.



Please continue to read 5 times a week and get your journal signed by an adult. There were only 10 signed last week!

Maths - Multiplication sheet (please spend 15 minutes on this). This is due on Wednesday.

GPS - Punctuation Test 4 and Punctuation Puzzle (pgs24-27). This is due on Friday.

Friday 5th March


Sorry everyone, I have just noticed that the class page did not save.


A big well done for everyone who looked amazing at World Book Day. What an amazing array of costumes.


On Friday you enjoyed a brilliant (if slightly cold trip to Hampton Court. You learnt all things Tudor and of course had a spot of shopping.


In maths, you learnt about decimals and their value. In your topic work you painted Tudor portraits and created a wonderful timeline.

During your R.E lesson you recreated 'The Last Supper' by Da Vinci.



Maths - addition and subtraction timebuster (due Wednesday)



Friday 25th February


As February gallops to a close, the children are getting to grips with the Terrible Tudors. We have created a timeline of events during the Tudor reign and looked at the astonishing discovery of Richard III's skeleton in a Leicester car park. The children were interested to learn of his defeat at The Battle of Bosworth and the subsequent merging of the Houses of York and Lancaster by Henry VII.


They have created beautiful Tudor Roses and watched a short Horrible Histories clip demonstrating the gruesome nature of the Tudor Reign.


In literacy we've learnt about relative clauses and are preparing to rewrite some of The Tempest, focusing on one character's story - we're nothing if not ambitious! Decimals have been the order of the day in Maths and the children seem to have a good grasp already.


We're looking forward to our Hampton Court Trip on Friday - please see the email sent out today.

Have a lovely weekend.



Spellings - the -ey sound - cued spellers need only practise the first five

hey, they, obey, grey, prey, survey, convey, disobey

Literacy: next two tests in the GPS books - and please don't forget to keep reading!

Last day and farewell to Leo

Friday 11th February - HALF-TERM!!


Well done everyone for making it to half-term. We're delighted to have had a full complement of children in Class 5 for the last week of term.


Sadly, we had to say farewell to lovely Leo, who has been part of our Class since Reception. The children gave him a warm send off with a Lego building competition, colouring activity and a beautiful sunny walk. He had also been doing some baking so we all had delicious flapjacks for our snack. We wish Leo all the very best at his new school and hope he'll keep popping in to see us.


Music and computing have been the main focus of the week. The children produced soundtracks for an imaginary computer game based around Alchemy Island using Garage Band. Unsurprisingly, they were far more proficient than the adults at getting to grips with the software and produced some interesting compositions. Our IT expert, Ed Miles came in for a second time this term and taught the children how to make a Treasure Hunt game by coding with Scratch. We also had our second visit from a group of Sevenoaks School students who led the Class in a rendition of 'You've got a Friend in Me' and 'A Million Dreams' from The Greatest Showman.


In numeracy, we've completed our first textbook and in literacy we've been reading a children's version of The Tempest and creating our own play-scripts - move over Mr Shakespeare!


There is no homework over half-term - the children have earned a rest.

Have a lovely week and we look forward to seeing you next term for our new topic - Off With Her Head - about the Tudors. We have a trip booked to Hampton Court Palace on 4th March - more details to follow.



Friday 4th of February


Another busy week in Year good to have you all back in. 


This week, you continued with all your fractions. You started by going over subtracting (with borrowing) of fractions and went on to multiplying fractions. You all worked really hard at these so well done. Next week you will be taking your end of book assessments.


In literacy, you have been looking at the story of The Tempest. You have also been completing your GPS assessments and finishing off your reading papers. Mrs Haysom was also finally allowed to come back in on a Tuesday afternoon.


In small groups, you also started writing your school podcast which you will be recording next week.


SOTW - Felix

HT - Jude and Penelope


Have a super weekend and enjoy the 6 Nations.



Literacy: The next two sections in the GPS Book - The Grammar Puzzle and Punctuation Test 1 - up to P17

Spellings: we will be revising all we have done this term 

Maths - none (starting back again next week)


Friday 28th January


Phew! We've made it to the end of another tricky week. Well done, once more, on completing so much work at home and School. I think our final subtracting fractions lesson may have been the last straw but, don't worry, Mr Rowland will go over it all again next week.


Thank you to parents and children at home for all your hard work - your Gold Reports are looking great. Hopefully the classroom will fill up as next week progresses - we are over the worst of it.


Don't forget to look up the six figure grid reference for your postcode and bring it in next week.


Spelling sheets attached below - we will resume normal homework next week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Hester

Cued Spellings - -ey, eigh and ei words

Friday 21st January


Well -  what a strange week! I take my hat off to you, Class 5. You have remained cheerful, resilient and fully engaged on Zoom - Well done. I hope everyone is feeling reasonably well and those of you with Covid are coping. We'll all be back in School teeming with antibodies before you know it!


Please do email me your Alchemist's Machine Descriptions if you have done them. A few have been sent in already and they are stunning.


I will be with you on Zoom on Monday  - I look forward to seeing you then.


Take care and have a restful, recovery weekend.


Best wishes

Mrs Hester

Friday 14th January


Our first full week of 2022!

Thank you everyone for bringing in your potions. A number of you have already presented them to the class and they have been incredibly imaginative and resourceful.

You have also been creative with both instruments and Garage Band to put music to our new topic of Alchamy Island! On Monday, you headed out to the village to take photos of portals that you found. A very muddy walk with only 1 IPad dropped so well done!

In literacy, you have started combining your topic ideas into a portal story and entering a new world or relm. We look forward to seeing where you all end up.

In maths, we have continued to look at fractions - converting improper fractions into mixed numbers and then started to simplify the fractions.


Well done! Have a lovely weekend.



Literacy: 3 & 4 in GPS books

Maths: arithmetic worksheet

Spellings: converting nouns or adjectives into verbs by adding the suffix -ise

critic/criticise, advert/advertise, final/finalise, equal/equalise, fertile/fertilise, terror/terrorise, social/socialise, visual/visualise, vandal/vandalise

Cued: different spellings of the long /a/ sound

tray, delay  amaze, snake  stain, explain  crazy, raven  steak, break.


The Solar System Saga

Friday 7th January


A HUGE well done to all the children for their beautiful singing and fabulous performances in their Act of Worship this morning. It was marvellous to see how well they learnt and delivered their lines and how brilliantly they worked as a team. They worked incredibly hard, creating their costumes and rehearsing and we were delighted to be able to show you the fruits of their labour. A huge thank you to Georgie for her help in designing the costumes and to all the parents who were able to come along and watch.


It has been an extremely busy week; we started our Alchemy Island topic with a visit from The Alchemist and her magic cauldron (see pictures below). We also looked at the Periodic Table and discussed some of the elements in it and how it is designed. The children came up with some intelligent questions which we will attempt to answer over the next few weeks.


In science, we began looking at the properties of various items found on Alchemy Island - testing them for magnetism, electrical conductivity and transparency among other things. The ferrous fluid from Iron Lake was the most fascinating.


In maths, we have begun looking at mixed and improper fractions and in literacy we are preparing to write the beginning of a story which involves travelling through a portal.


For homework, the children have brought home a GPS book. Please can they do the first 2 tests  - Grammar Tests 1 & 2.


Have a lovely weekend.



Literacy - in GPS books

Spellings: adding the -ate suffix to nouns and adjectives to create verbs

captivate, activate, motivate, communicate, alienate, medicate, elasticate, hyphenate, pollinate

Cued spellings: different spellings of the /ee/ sound

deer, jeep, sleep, sheep, read, lead, teach, donkey, monkey, key



The Alchemist's Cauldron

Testing Properties of Materials

Christmas Jumper Day!

Friday 17th December




Well done to all the lovely Year 5 children this term. Thank you for all the stunning, cards, gifts and Christmas messages.

We hope you have a healthy relaxing holiday with your families and we look forward to seeing the children back in 2022. Don't forget our Act of Worship on the first Friday back at 9 am in the Church.

Insulation Investigation

Friday 10th December


What a busy week it's been in Year 5 AND it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. We finally have a (very small) Christmas tree gracing the classroom and our Christmas post box is rapidly filling up.


We've been focusing on reading and creating line graphs in Maths and Science  - we started by looking at attendance data across the School over ten days and plotting it on a graph - it became clear that the dreaded Covid has had an impact but we're fighting back! Following an investigation to ascertain the best insulating material, the children plotted their results in graphs and analysed them to identify which insulator worked the best. The humble blanket seemed to top even the Space blanket for conserving heat.


In literacy, we've been creating Powerpoints all about Sir Isaac Newton. We're hoping Year 3 will read them and learn something about his great genius.


Don't forget the Carol Service on Wednesday evening. Children should be dropped at drop and go at 5.30pm. We also have Christmas Jumper Day on Friday - make a donation and wear a glitzy sweater.

There is no homework this weekend. Keep reading and learning times tables.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Adverbials Activity - complete first two worksheets

Rocket Experiment!

Friday 3rd December


Advent is upon us. It has certainly got a lot colder this week. We look forward to seeing some of you at the school Christmas fair tomorrow.


During our topic lessons this week, we have continued to go deeper into space. We have followed the path of the international space station and learnt about the Moon landings. The class have also been busy making their props for the class AOW on Thursday. This afternoon, we carried out an experiment to discover which combination of fizzy tablets and water create a rocket that shoots the highest - we were quite surprised by the results but reached a satisfying conclusion to do with the amount of space available for the molecules in the gas to spread out and create the most forceful propulsion - see photos above!


The classroom is a rammed with cardboard and bottles for the spacecrafts that they will be building on Monday and Tuesday. I am hoping they will look more Apollo 11 than Millenium Falcon.


Im maths, you have have been working on graphs and timetables. You have also been converting 24 hour clocks to 12 hours and been been using an analogue clock - sadly an underused skill these days.


During literacy lessons, you have continued to plan your biopic on Sir Isaac Newton. 



Spellings - words with the sound s spelt -sc - see attached activities for those children at home

science, crescent, discipline, fascinate, scent, descent, ascent, scenery

Cued: height, weight, eight, straight, reign.

Literacy: attached is a workbook focused on adverbials. Please complete AT LEAST the first two worksheets - more if you would like to.



Learn your lines off by heart for the class AOW


Friday 26th November


This week's highlight was, without a doubt, our trip to see Andrew Lloyd-Webber's Cinderella. The children were impeccably behaved on the train and in the Theatre and drew several positive comments from members of the public. The show had something for everyone and we all agreed it was first class entertainment.


In Maths, we've been consolidating the 'bus stop' method of division as well as working on word problems using both multiplication and division. The children are learning fast!


Following our visit from the author, J C Clarke, we have decided to read her novel Spellboda next and we are also writing stories based on her five ingredients for creating a successful tale. Hopefully, we'll be able to collate them into a Class Book of short stories as the Children are really enjoying writing them. I have sent their literacy books home in order that they can finish their stories. Please ensure they are back in by Wednesday.


Please don't forget to send your child in with any small boxes, bottles, tin foil, plastic bottles or sponges you can spare for Thursday of next week.


Have a lovely weekend.



Literacy: complete stories in red literacy books for Wednesday

Maths: in yellow books for Tuesday

Spellings: division, confusion, invasion, decision, collision, television, revision, erosion, inclusion, explosion.

Cued: thought, ought, fought, bought, brought

Reading: at least 5 times including once with an adult.

Friday 19th November


A huge congratulations to you all for completing your first family consultations. You all spoke clearly and had wonderful powerpoint presentations. It was lovely to hear what you have enjoyed so far this year and listening to your own personal targets. You clearly all know your strengths and areas you need to develop. I am sorry I couldn't be there for the consultations on Thursday but Mrs Hester has given me detailed feedback.


At the beginning of this week, we spent a lot of time working on the consultations and the all looked brilliant. During your topic afternoon, you researched the 'Father of Modern Science' Galileo. You have also been busy working on your lines for our class AOW. 


In maths, you continued to work on column multiplication. You developed a better understanding of how the process works and then moved on to word problems. Towards the end of the week, you moved on to division. You looked at dividing numbers by 10,100 and 1000. 



Maths - multiplication questions (due Tuesday).

Spellings - adding the -ous suffix when we don't change the root word.

Dangerous, momentous, poisonous, joyous, mountainous.

Literacy - please make sure you learn ALL your lines for our Act of Worship.

Reading as usual for the raffle - remember - you must be in it to win it!

Friday 12th November


Yet another action packed week in Year 5. 


In maths, we have continued to work on square and cubed numbers. We then moved on to multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000. On Friday, we started muliplying 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. Please make sure that you all work on your times tables as this is what is holding some of you back.


During literacy, you were tasked with writing a story pretending to be an adult. We had trips to nightclubs, shopping and even a tattoo. You have obviously be spending lots of time observing your parents' habbits.


In the topic afternoons, you have produced some wonderful work on the phases of the moon and some wonderful drawings of the planets. It has been a brilliant week of work so congratulations to you all!


On Monday at school, you will be creating a powerpoint for your parent consulations. Please have a think about what has gone well so far this year and any tagets you may have.


Have a lovely weekend.




Friday 5th November


Happy Bonfire Night everyone! It's been great to have the children back in School - bright eyed and bushy tailed for the most part.


They are already impressing with their knowledge of Space and we've spent the week on a fact-finding mission to discover as much as we can about what is happening beyond the Earth's atmosphere. We've looked as the size and scale of the Solar System and its planets and tried to digest the enormity of it all.


In Maths we're looking at prime numbers as well as squared and cubed numbers so times tables are crucial - of course. In literacy we've revised speech punctuation and have begun to write stories about the day they pretended they were adults. We've heard some hair-raising ideas from buying very fast cars to purchasing a pet and taking a flight to Brazil....


We have also begun practising for our Class Act of Worship which is on 9th December at 9 am. Attached is the script - literacy homework this week is to learn their lines.


Have a lovely weekend.



Spelling: /k/ sound spelt ch - chaos, orchestra, echo, character, stomach, ache, technology

Cued spellings: edge, hedge, budge, ledge, fudge

Literacy: learn your lines for AOW

Maths: blue books

Times tables and reading raffle as usual.

A round up of activities during this term's topic work

Friday 15th October


Half-term already! A huge well done to all the children for settling so beautifully into Year 5 and for engaging so well with their learning. They are a delightful bunch. 


We have now completed our Shang Dynasty topic and the children have learnt an enormous amount about this Ancient Civilisation. They finished the topic by creating clay vessels based on those discovered in archaeological digs in China - their various different designs reflect the diversity and craftsmanship evident in ancient artefacts from 3000 years ago.


We are looking forward to our next topic - Stargazers - please do send in any books or information the children would like to share with the Class.


Have a lovely half-term.



Read the two books from the OXFORD OWL reading scheme as per the letter sent out this week.

Keep up the times tables practice 

Friday 8th October


It was wonderful to see so many parents at the Harvest Festival on Wednesday in spite of the limits on numbers. Year 5 should be hugely proud of themselves for their retelling of the Good Samaritan and for the informative presentation about the Tear Fund. Thank you, too for your kind donations.


We've had an exciting end to the week with two visiting teachers today. Mr Miles did his second computing session which involved recreating the great female Chinese Warrior, Fu Hao's tomb and Mrs Middleton (who is Chinese) came in to speak to the children about China and to teach them a little of the language. See if they can remember how to count to ten in Mandarin!


In literacy, we are spinning back in time to the Shang Dynasty where the children are imagining themselves at the centre of daily life in Ancient China. I look forward to reading about their antics as warriors/craftsmen/peasants etc.


In maths, we are adding and subtracting numbers up to 1,000,000 using the column method. 


Have a lovely weekend.



Maths - for Tuesday

Literacy - comprehension  for Friday

Spellings - we will recap the spellings from this term

Reading  - at least 5 times

Times-tables - practise, practise, practise!


Book Club

It was good to have such a pleasing turn out at  Year 5/6 Book Club and interesting to hear your thoughts on The Night Bus Hero. I think we all enjoyed listening to Miss Wright's, often quite controversial, views!

Next time, our text will be The 1,000-year-old Boy by Ross Welford.

Here's a bit of blurb to whet your appetite.

Alfie Monk is like any other nearly teenage boy - except he's 1,000 years old and can remember the last Viking invasion of England.

Obviously no one believes him.

So when everything Alfie knows and loves is destroyed in a fire, and the modern world comes crashing in, Alfie embarks on a mission to find friendship, acceptance, and a different way to live...

... which means finding a way to make sure he will eventually die.

We will meet again to discuss this novel in Term 2.

Friday 1st of October


Well....the weather has certainly changed. Cold, wind and rain was the format of the week but the class still managed PE, forest school and not a single wet play!


The class continued to work on the Shang Dynasty. They created some wonderful "bronze" ornaments and started to create a leaflet covering all aspects of the period.


In maths, they have been working on their rounding skills of numbers up to 1 million and then moved on to addition by counting on.


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and try and stay dry!



Please continue to read 5 times a week to enter the reading raffle.

Spellings - apply, supply, identify, occupy, multiply, rhyme, cycle (i spelt with a y).

Cued - new/knew, lose/loose, not/knot, mail/male

Maths - rounding coding worksheet



Friday 24th September


In spite of it being assessment week, we have had an interesting time in Class 5. Yesterday afternoon was spent investigating the bronze casting processes used by the Shang Dynasty Chinese. Most of the classroom was covered in plaster of Paris by the end of it but the children produced some beautiful objects which we'll be painting next week.


We've also been honing our comprehension technique, reading the questions first and using them as sign-posts to relevant areas of the text. At the moment, we're working on our powers of retrieval so do quiz your children about what's happening in the books they're reading with you.


In Maths, we've been rounding into the 100,000s and thinking about why we round larger numbers - do ask your children about this.


Have a lovely weekend and don't forget PE and Forest School on Monday.



Spellings: words with the short vowel sound /i/ spelt with y

symbol, mystery, oxygen, physical, rhythm

Cued Spellings: desert/dessert  fair/fare   grate/great   heal/heel

Literacy: to write a book review using the sheet in blue homework books

Maths: for Tuesday

Times tables

Reading: at least 5 times a week at home, including once with an adult



Fantastic Mr Fox Workshop and Reading Buddies

Friday 17th September


As you can see from the pictures, it's been another busy week in Year 5. Fantastic Mr Fox put in an appearance on Roald Dahl day with the children engaging in their workshop well. They impressed all of us with their beautifully constructed fox masks. We finished the day with a debate asking whether Boggis, Bunce and Bean or Mr Fox were in the right. The Fox won the day and we discussed what a skillful writer Roald Dahl was for persuading us to like Mr Fox in spite of his thieving ways.


In maths, we've begun rounding into the 10,000s and in literacy we have been learning to construct a narrative and have started reading Cosmic by Frank Cottrell-Boyce - do send your child in with a copy if you have it at home.


The children have particularly enjoyed being reading buddies to Year One and have conducted themselves brilliantly with the younger pupils. It is great to see them mixing with other year groups again.


Have a lovely weekend.



Spellings - ambitious, infectious, nutritious, anxious, obnoxious - to be tested on Friday

Cued Spellings - bear/bare  berry/bury   cereal/serial   break/break - to be tested on Friday

Literacy - short comprehension for Friday in blue book

Maths - sheet for Tuesday in yellow books

Times tables and reading as usual


Friday 10th September

The end of our first full week......breath!

In maths this week, they have continued to work on place value up to the hundreds of thousands. We have been using a lot of counters to read and write these large numbers.

During the literacy lessons, Year 5 has been writing stories about "having a change of heart" using the Susan Boyle audition as inspiration. The work has been well written and is extremely detailed.

The topic lessons have again continued to look at "Dynamic Dynersties". Today they have been designing Taotie masks which look incredible.

The class have also had their first P.E, R.E and PSHE lessons of the year.


Please remember that they have forest school on Monday. They should come into school in their P.E kits and will then get changed into their forest school gear after lunch. They do not need their school uniform.



Literacy - noun wordsearch 

Reading - please make sure you continue to read at home and get your journal signed for the reading raffle

Maths - starts next week

Spellings - vicious, gracious, spacious, precious and delicious 

      Cued - pair/pear, peace/piece, one/won, meet/meat


Have a lovely weekend!


Acting out the creation of the Ancient Chinese Shang Dynasty

Friday 3rd September 


It was fantastic to welcome the children into Class 5 and they're already tackling the work with gusto. 


In  Maths, we've begun to look at place value up to the 100,000s and in literacy we recapped word classes and started thinking about how to write a narrative poem. We'll be basing these on ancient Chinese Myths to tie-in with our topic, Dynamic Dynasties.


As part of their topic work, the children located China on a map of the world and zoomed in to study some of the interesting physical features of this enormous country.


We look forward to more of the same next week.



Spellings - homophones to be tested on Friday

medal/meddle  missed/mist  scene/seen  board/bored  which/witch

Cued spellings (everyone should revise these)

What, when, who, why, where

Maths - please keep learning times tables (we will be sending Maths homework in on a

Tuesday to mark the next Tuesday)

Reading - we will have a reading raffle every Friday. Please read 5 times at home and sign your reading diary. It must be signed at least once by an adult after they've listened to you read. See below for details of Book Club


Year 5/6 Book Club Term 1  5th October (note there will be no netball this day)

We are kicking off the year with a novel by the acclaimed author of The Boy at the Back of the Class - Onjali Q Rauf. It is entitled The Night Bus Hero. Here's the blurb to whet your appetite:

'The boy's an absolute menace.'
'He's a bully. A lost cause!'
'Why can't he be more like his sister?'
I've been getting into trouble for as long I can remember. Usually I don't mind 'cos some of my best, most brilliant ideas have come from sitting in detention.
But recently it feels like no one believes me about anything - even when I'm telling the truth! And it's only gotten worse since I played a prank on the old man who lives in the park.
Everyone thinks I'm just a bully. They don't believe I could be a hero.
Bu I'm going to prove them all wrong...
Told from the perspective of a bully, this book explores themes of bullying and homelessness, while celebrating kindness, friendship and the potential everyone has to change for the good.


We very much hope to see some old faces from last year's meetings as well as welcome plenty of new ones.  For possible first-time attendees, who are wondering what's involved, we invite you to read a selected text each term and then join us for an informal discussion about it after school - normally on the last Monday of the term. As we exchange views and ideas, we share a snack and a drink and hopefully have a pleasant hour together socialising with school pals.

If anyone would like more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Kate Haysom and Rebecca Wright
