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Chiddingstone Church of England School

Educating for life in all its fullness - John 10:10


English Overview


English at Chiddingstone Church of England School is taught explicitly through direct reading, writing and grammar, punctuation and spelling lessons. It is underpinned by a broad range of foundation subjects, taught through the Cornerstones Creative Curriculum. This provides a context, which gives learning meaning, and enables the children to engage fully with the subject matter.


Our English Curriculum reinforces all aspects of learning, and we believe it is a vital medium, enabling our children to access other areas of knowledge; we offer rich experiences in reading, writing, speaking and listening or drama. The children are actively encouraged to enjoy reading and writing, choosing exciting and challenging texts for study into which we also interweave the teaching of spelling, grammar and handwriting.


Our English lessons are carefully structured with well-organised timetables and high-quality teaching and learning. Speaking and listening opportunities are a priority, with children talking about their learning and explaining their thinking, with frequent opportunities to write for a range of audiences. We run a number of intervention support and extension programmes to support all pupils in achieving age-related expectations and to offer challenges to more able children.


From EYFS through to the end of Year 1, the teaching of phonics and early reading is taught using Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised - a complete systematic synthetic phonics programme (please see our Phonics and Early Reading Policy and also below for further details for parents). It is consolidated through the use of a range of phonic readers - Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised and together they provide a consistent and highly effective approach to teaching phonics.


In Key Stages 1 and 2, we use the spellings from the National Curriculum Programme of Study. Initially children are encouraged to write individual letters and attempt spellings phonetically. Towards the end of Year 1, more formal spelling begins, and, from then onwards, the children are given spellings to learn which follow the statutory requirements of the curriculum. The use of dictionaries is taught and encouraged.


We are passionate about books. We use a range of quality books by respected authors to immerse the children in the magic of exciting stories and fascinating information books. We teach reading skills through 1:1 reading, small guided group teaching and whole class teaching. Each year group has a class text/s, often related to their topic work. Daily, whole class reading of a class book is delivered by teachers and teaching assistants.


We have a well-equipped library/ reading corner in each classroom, which means children become used to borrowing and returning books, accessing a broad spectrum of texts in line with their varied interests. Books are matched to the appropriate Year Group Programme of Study and are catalogued into different challenge levels.

Reading for Pleasure is at the heart of our English Curriculum at Chiddingstone - World Book Day, Book Clubs, Reading Buddies and Workshops with authors are among the activities we run to inspire a love of reading

We aim to inspire a love of reading in every child


Teachers from Early Years to Year 6 take pride in putting reading at the heart of our curriculum. Children are read to daily and are treated to a rich mix of poetry and prose. As well as this, we organise events across the year to promote a love of reading. This year, we are swapping Roald Dahl day for a day celebrating Traditional Tales. Children will take part in drama workshops exploring our literary heritage. We'll be embracing World Book Day where children and staff dress up as their favourite book characters and we hope to welcome more inspiring authors through our link with independent booksellers Sevenoaks Bookshop.

Last year we met Beast and The Bethany author Jack Meggitt-Phillips and we welcomed Tom Mitchell and Catherine Cawthorne to talk about How To Stop The End of The World and Big Bad Wolf Investigates.


Our book clubs are well attended. They provide the opportunity to share a novel and engage in rich discussion, review and challenge.

Phonics and Early Reading - Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised 


We use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds phonics programme to teach children how to read. The link below explains how you can support your child on their reading journey and includes:


  • the different sounds taught in Reception and Year 1
  • how to pronounce the sounds
  • how to write the letters
  • how we teach tricky words and blending
  • how to support children at home with reading. 







Whole School Reading Progression EYFS to Year 6

Whole School Writing Progression EYFS to Year 6


At Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 the school follows the National Curriculum English Programmes of Study. These can be viewed here:
