Chiddingstone Church of England School
Going Above and Beyond Together
Welcome to the PTA section of our website.
Chiddingstone School's Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is run for the benefit of our children and future generations of Chiddingstone pupils. The money raised by the PTA is extremely important to enable the school to provide extra resources and activities to enhance our children's learning and opportunities. We cannot stress enough about how invaluable this support is to keep our school running in the unique way it does, so a huge thank you for your support.
PTA Committee 2024/25:
Sam Woodward Co-Chair
Hattie Rose Co-Chair
Fran Watson Co-Treasurer
Emily Fletcher Co-Treasurer
Sophie Clark Grants officer
Treasurers' Report 2023-2024
The Treasurers’ report for the 2023-24 year can be found below summarising our fundraising achievements and how we have been able to support the school.
Upcoming Events 24/25
Please find the PTA events calendar below.
We will be sending out a termly newsletter which will contain the details of upcoming events and a summary of how much money the previous terms have made.
Fundraising goals for 2024/25
After meeting with Mrs Haysom, these are the fundraising goals we have set for the year ahead.
Easyfundraising UK:
This amazing website donates money to the PTA when you shop online. All major retailers are included and you only have to sign up once, then you will receive a reminder or notification when you shop. With just one extra click, Chiddingstone PTA receive either a fixed amount or a percentage of your total shop.
Easyfundraising will give us a £5 bonus donation for every supporter who downloads the app and signs up through this link:
Once you reach the website, click on the “support this cause” button and fill in your details to register. Finally spend as normal and we can watch the cash roll in!
Match Funding:
Does your employer have a match funding policy, matching funds you raise for charities like Chiddingstone PTA? Ask your HR department and let us know. We can provide you with the information you need to support your match funding application.
Note - the same applies to company volunteering policies. Your employer may have a policy in place allowing you paid days away from work for volunteering. Ask your HR department and contact us if you need any supporting information.
Support our fundraising drive:
We value input from all our parents. If you have any fundraising ideas please get in contact with us at
Fundraising Links
Shop online through easyfundrasing line below for a donation to the PTA at no extra cost to you!
Remember to look into Payroll Giving and Matched Giving as an extra way to raise money for our school!