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Chiddingstone Church of England School

Going Above and Beyond Together

Environmental Commitment

Chiddingstone School Forest School sweeps the boards at the Green School Awards.


The excitement of the recent haul of medals and certificates can be seen in detail and technicolour through the below link. We are all very proud of the children who have accomplished this achievement.

An eventful day at the awards!


On Thursday 13th February three Chiddingstone pupils travelled to the Green Schools Awards 2020 in the minibus. Twenty eight schools were nominated and we joined four other schools in the West Kent and Medway district. We were entered into the Best Nature Conservation School which we won. We were then entered into the overall county champions which we were also delighted to win. The prize is in recognition of the natural conservation learning that the children are achieving during their time at Forest School, with Chiddingstone School allowing all children to have access over a year to time at Forest School. We are exceptionally proud to have achieved this award.

Written by: George, Bea and Evie


First week of collecting our Green travel ticks, is awarded to Year 2. Congratulations, keep up the great work!First week of collecting our green travel ticks, is awarded to Year 2. Congratulations!
Quentin the Quail visits the school to help us understand the animals that inhabit our surroundings.

Quail visit

Sustainable school resources:


To help you with more sustainable options for school equipment we have researched the below companies which offer a range of supplies. Please take a look through and we look forward to seeing the children using the equipment in school.




Sevenoaks School EcoSchool visit

Pupil Voice meeting       10.1.20


How can we be eco-friendly at Chiddingstone School?

  • Stop wasting glue/ throwing out dried plastic glue sticks…use of glue monitor in class
  • Recycle left over plastic
  • Stop laminating
  • Plastic free snack time
  • Make the signs on the bins easier to understand
  • Tell others how we are eco-friendly
  • Use reusable bottles in school only ie: Chilly bottles
  • Do a ‘beach clean’ on the school grounds
  • Run an experiment to see how much plastic we use
  • Litter rota either class by class or house by house
  • Plant trees, fruit and veg in the veg patch
  • Create a bee friendly garden by sowing flowers that attract bees
  • Hold a ‘green day’ at school
  • Run walk ‘from’ school to meet parents at the end of the day
  • Reuse all photocopy paper for our class scrap paper
  • Create a school compost heap from our fruit and veg at snack time that we can then use on the veggie patch
  • Write to the fruit supplier to ask if they could deliver school fruit supplies with less plastic
  • A school trip out to surrounding areas/ towns to pick up litter
  • Use any plastic litter to make / build in wet play time
  • Make an effort to turn off taps in the toilet once we have finished