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Chiddingstone Church of England School

Going Above and Beyond Together

Year 1


Dear Parents and Children,

Well here we are at the end of Y1. What a fantastic performance last night. The children were amazing. We have watched them grow and develop in all the areas of learning and very ready to begin their next chapter in Y2. We will miss them dearly and we will be popping in to their class to say hello. Well done, children, you are all stars!

Also, a HUGE THANK YOU, to you all for the extremely generous gifts. I will enjoy the Ivy and spending the JL voucher.

We wish all a very restful and happy holiday. See you in September.


Kind regards

Mrs Clare and the team.



One week to go! However we are all still working hard with topics, rehearsals and songs. 

Please can all black leggings be in a named carrier bag by Monday morning. I know some of you had to hang on to them for this weekend. 

Don't forget an extra strong carrier for the children to carry books home. Some books will remain at school to go to their next class. 

The children have requested that I add the words to the songs they are singing on the page for them to practise, so please see below. 

We certainly need the summer holidays to rest, absorb what has been learnt and get ready for year 2. However, children tend to relax their brains and forget what they have learnt. It would be a great idea to continue reading books, not forgetting the Summer Reading Challenge and borrowing books from the library. Writing postcards is a great way to exercise their writing, adding adjectives and verbs to make their holiday and places they visit sound exciting.  

Please make sure that letters and numbers are written starting and ending at the correct place. Don't forget to look at the Little Wandle sound chart we gave you at the beginning of the year, (I have added them to the page). This will help your child begin year 2 with confidence.  

Your children have been a pleasure to teach. They have grown in confidence and have become more independent. I will certainly miss them when they move on, however I will pop my head in to class 2 now and again and give them a wave. They have been a wonderful class.

May I thank all the parents for all your hard work and input in your child's education as well as coming in to read stories and help on trips. 

Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Clare

P.S If you have any school books that the children take home for reading, please could you send them in next week, as we are gathering them in to audit. Thank you.

Well done!


Oh my goodness, two weeks to go! I can't believe that the year has gone. 

We continue to recap all sounds learnt so far in Little wandle. We are finishing off and reviewing what we have mastered in maths and enjoying the Rio de Vida topic. 


Thank you all for coming to the open evening, it was lovely to see you all. If you were unable to attend, don't worry as we will be sending books home. Please provide a named strong carrier bag on the last Monday of term. 

Also, please send in named black leggings, in a named bag, needed for the end of term performance, by Monday. 


Thank you

Have an enjoyable weekend.


Mrs Clare and the Y1 team. 


Dear Parents,

Time is ticking rather speedily this term and the performance will be upon us before we know it. This year the performance will be 'The Wizard of Oz' and the Y1s will be soldiers. We have the red T-shirts and we will be making hats at school. Please could you provide black leggings for your child ( their long PE trousers will be fine) and they will need to wear their black school shoes. No trainers please. 


In phonics, this week we have covered sounds, 'ti- potion,  ssi- mission,  si- mansion & ci- delicious'.

The tricky words are; busy, beautiful, pretty, hour, any, many & through.

In maths we have looked at money, coins & notes. If you can show the children real money, that would really help them. It's purely to recognise the coins and notes. They have also looked at volume and capacity, using vocabulary such as full, empty, half full and a quarter full.   They have looked at mass using words such as heavy, heavier, heaviest, light, lighter, lightest and balanced. 


We will continue these maths topics until the end of term. 


For Monday, please send in a VERY SMALL Box such as a soap box or a tooth paste box. No bigger thank you. The children are making small shakers. 


Thank you for your help.

Have a great weekend

Mrs Clare



Dear Parents,

This week we have covered the sounds, 'su & si - treasure, pleasure, vision, usual & explosion',  dge- bridge, dodge, badge, y- crystal, mystery, myth & ge- large, change, plunge.

The tricky words this week are, 'friend, eye, because, move, improve, laugh, parents & shoe. 

In maths we continue to compare numbers up to 100, eg how many tens and ones are there in 64 & 72? Which number is more and which  number is less than...? Can you put the numbers 45, 56 & 68 in order from the smallest to the largest or from the largest to the smallest? 

We have begun our new topic, Rio de Vida, which is based on carnivals and music. We will also be learning a little about Brazil in South America and making carnival masks. 

Today the children enjoyed STEM day. They had maths with Mr Roland, showing off their knowledge of halves and quarters. In technology and science they made a spinning top, which they loved and are bring home. Please provide them with a penny to put in the slot for spinning. Watch the patterns and colours change. Ask them why this happens. Mrs Hankey also talked to them about horses, how they see, hear and sense their surroundings. 


Don't forget to join us on Tuesday for sports day. Please don't forget to send in a hard boiled egg (not decorated). Don't worry about putting names on as the eggs will be given out to children quickly for the races. 


Have a great weekend. 


Mrs Clare and the Year 1 team. 


Dear Parents,

Welcome back to the final term. I can't believe how quickly the year is slipping by. 

This week we have begun the term with our topic Funny Faces and Fabulous Features. The children have studied portraits by different artists and used mirrors so that they could create their own self-portrait. They have chosen their own medium to use and master an abstract or a realism style of portrait. They are proudly displayed in our 'gallery'. 

In maths we continue to look at and understand fractions, not only with shapes but also with numbers. We will continue with this this week, so that the children become secure in their knowledge. This weekend, please could you help your child to find half and quarters of numbers, using objects. For example, there are 10 cars, can you find half of 10? There are eight pencils, can you find quarter of eight? It would help children if they could share the objects on a plate or pieces of paper. Try larger numbers up to 20 or 40 if they can. 

This term we are learning new sounds in phonics, such as,  'eigh-eight, aigh-straight, ey-grey, ea-break,   kn-knee, gn-gnaw, mb-thumb, ere-here, & eer-deer. The tricky words for spelling during our phonic lessons are 'our, their, two, once, busy, beautiful, pretty & hour'. 

Keep cool this weekend!

Mrs Clare and the Year 1 team. 




Dear Parents,

Here we are again at the end of another term. 

This week we have recapped sounds; 'ph- phone, wh-wheel, ie-shield &  g-giant. 

Please keep reading the collins books. I have also attached some alien words for the children to practise at home. It is important to keep going with their phonic knowledge, so please do practise at home, ready for the phonic check after the half term. 


In maths, we have started to learn about fractions, looking at halves and quarters of shapes. Over the holidays, it would be useful to fold paper squares, circles and rectangles in to halves and quarters. I have also attached some worksheets if it helps. 


In computing, the children have been learning about algorithms and decomposition. They have really enjoyed this topic.


Have super a super half term.


Mrs Clare and the Y1 team



Dear Parents,

In phonics we continue to recap sounds; 'i-tiger, a-paper, ow-snow & u-unicorn'. The tricky words this week are; two, eye, thought, through & friend'. 

In maths we are learning to share numbers equally. Practising this at home would help some children.

The children have enjoyed  computing and learning about algorithms, using Beebot robots to give instructions for directions. 

For the Maypole celebrations the children have been practising their song. I'm sure they have been singing it over and over at home!

Forest school is on Monday as normal.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Clare



Dear All,

This week in phonics the children have been recapping 'ea- head, ir-bird, ou-cloud, & oy- enjoy. 

This week the tricky words are - any, many, who, whole & two. 


In maths we have been looking at doubling numbers and equal groups. 


The children have been looking at the book, Flotsam by David Wiesner, which is a beautiful picture book. Using the pictures, the children have written their own story, using adjectives, exclamation marks and question marks. It would be useful to expand their vocabulary by playing games using adjectives to describe an object.  The children are very good at thinking about words such as 'big waves' and I would now like to help them expand their vocabulary to use more exciting words, for example 'the tall, rolling, angry, crashing waves', etc. Playing games will help them to make their sentences more exciting.  They don't need to write anything, just help them to think of some exciting words. 


Have a great weekend.

Mrs Clare



Dear Parents,

We have had a busy week with lots of art activities to celebrate the King's coronation. The children learnt about the orbe, sceptre, armills and sword and used clay to recreate them. They also collaged the King's profile using tones of a chosen colour.

You will find some artwork from different classes displayed in the church.

In maths we have continued to use different time words such as yesterday, today and tomorrow. We have looked at calendars and days of the month etc

Please continue below to seeother activities the children have been involved in.

Enjoy the celebrations this weekend.

Mrs Clare

Learning about Judaism

We were so lucky on Wednesday when Edie's granny very kindly came in to talk to us about Judaism during our RE lesson. She brought in special family items such as a beautiful Star of David pendant and necklace with the 10 commandments. She talked to us about the Shabbat and brought in delicious challah bread and juice to recreate the important meal. The children had the chance to hold some beautiful candle sticks, a kippah and a muzuzah, which we had learnt about last week. We had prepared some great questions which Elaine kindly answered. 

Mrs Cheshire


Dear Parents,

This week we have covered sounds 'ie pie, i-e time, o go, o-e home. The tricky words this week are were, one, says, here & today.


In maths we have used time words, such as before, after, seconds, minutes, hours, days & weeks, to continue or finish sentences and we have linked these into our writing in literacy.  A question you might want to go over with your child is;  looking at 3 lorries that reach the depo at different times in the afternoon. Lorry A comes in at 2 o'clock, Lorry B at half past 2 and lorry 3 at 4 o'clock. Discuss which lorry came in earlier or later than the other. Some children find this tricky. 


The children have enjoyed science outside, predicting if a material is absorbent or waterproof and learning to use these scientific words. 


Over the weekend, your child's homework is to design a coat of arms for King Charles and return it to school on Tuesday 2nd May, so that the bunting can be made up ready for the Friday celebrations. 


Enjoy the long weekend. 

Mrs Clare




Science- absorbent or waterproof

Dear Parents,

I honestly can't believe I'm welcoming you back to term 5, already! Let's hope the weather is beginning to get warmer now.

The children have begun the new topic 'Everyday Materials' and have enjoyed investigating properties of glass, wood, fabric, metal, plastic and stone. Luckily the sun shone on Wednesday and the children were excited to take part in their learning outside. 


In literacy they have been thinking about using adjectives to write an exciting beginning to their stories using a picture book. They have also used adjectives to decribe a character's appearance and personality. The children are learning to build their stories slowly, thinking carefully about detail. 


In maths we have started learning about time, using o'clock and half past. We will also be looking at time words such as before, after, first, next and finally etc. 

Reading- I have added the reading books to e-collins. Please do look at them with your child. 


Have a good weekend. Fingers crossed for better weather.

Mrs Clare and the team


Dear Parents and Children,

What a wonderful week it has been! The children were super stars in their assembly and I hope you enjoyed it.

This week has been busy, busy, busy with rehearsals and lots of role-play, learning words, standing in the right position and singing.

The children did an amazing job. Thank you for coming to support your child’s performance. Well done children. 


Next term's topic- Everyday Materials.

This project teaches children that objects are made from materials. They identify a range of everyday materials and their sources. Children investigate the properties of materials and begin to recognise that a material's properties define its use.


We hope you have a lovely restful Easter break.

Kind Regards

Mrs Clare and the Team.


Hello Everyone,

This week we have continued phonics with growing the code. The sounds we have covered are 'ch'- chef, school. We have also been recapping previous sounds and reading longer words, by breaking them up. We have continued with our tricky words that we have been reading through the term. 


In maths, we continue to problem solve using larger numbers to 40. 


We have begun the rehearsals for our act of worship, next Thursday morning. Please can you help your child practise their words which are in their bags. 


Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Clare and the team. 

This week


Happy Friday, all!

Today the children enjoyed wearing their red noses and back to front clothing, and some thought it amusing to walk in backwards. 

This week in phonics we have looked at ; 'ear' - learn,   'wr'- wrist,  'st'- whistle, & 'sc'- science.

In maths we have continued number patterns  and making 10s and ones for numbers up to 40. 

The children have continued to study work from the artist James Rizzi. They have made their own layered picture using cut outs of printed shapes. 


Do keep reading the e-collins books online. I put the books online every week for the children to show off their expression when reading. 


Have a great weekend. 

Mrs Clare and the team.

Our James Rizzi artwork, using layering and collage.


Dear Parents,

This week in phonics we have covered the sounds, 'a' (or), water, ball, small,    a (o) wasp, swap, watch and growing the code,  ie different letters making the same sound, eg 'air (chair),  are (share) , ere (there) & ear (bear). 


Tricky words this week- who, whole, because, eye, people, thought & through.


In maths we have been ordering larger random numbers from greater to smaller and smaller to greater, eg, 35, 31, 29 &  22, 26, 32.  

Our sub topic, 'Street View' has begun by looking at prints and paintings by pop artist, James Rizzi, who used bright colours and 3-D sculpting techniques to bring his work to life. The children chose their own drawing media, including marker pens, wax crayons, coloured pencils and pastels to recreate Rizzi's work. 


Have a great weekend. 

Mrs Clare and the team. 


This week


Good morning, all.

Well this is a surprise! I have added a snow day homework challenge on a document. I have kept it very simple so parents can carry on with work. Below, I have also added the Easter Jubilation song from You Tube, for the children to practise.

Have a good snow day!

Mrs Clare


Easter Jubilation song



Hello all,

This week has certainly been a busy week!


Phonics- new sounds- 'tch'- match, catch, kitchen,   'ture'- adventure, creature, picture,    'al'- calm, half, almond,    'a' (long) - father, mask and craft.

Tricky words- once, our, laugh, because & eye; these are in their spelling books. Please remember to send spelling books in weekly, so that we can stick the new ones in.


In maths, we are making numbers up to 40 by counting in 10s and adding the ones, eg 36 is 3 tens and 6 ones. 


Please read the books on the e-Collins site and do please comment in the yellow reading diaries. 


Victorian Day- The children are really enjoying the School Days topic and are loving learning about the Victorians. Today, the children had a taste of what it was like to be a child at a Victorian school. I think they were happy to be at school now, rather than in the past, when children were seen and not heard! If they come home, telling you that children in that era, had some rather strange names, they did! Not names that I would have chosen for my children, that's for sure. 

Enjoy the weekend.

Mrs Clare and the team. 




Victorian day

World book day

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to term 4. This term we have been learning about school days in the past and comparing them to the present day. We have had a talk from Mrs Clarke who used to come to this school and also Mr Roland. The children have used words learnt in class, such as 'what, when, where and how'  etc to ask them questions. We are also learning to use question marks. 


In maths we continue with numbers to 20.


I have added the next tricky words in their spelling book. Please help them to learn them. 


In phonics, we have covered sounds- 'or' (word), u (awful), 'oul' (could), 'are (share), au (author), aur (dinosaur), 'oor' (floor) & 'al' (walk). Look out for these sounds when reading books. 


Don't forget the Victorian classroom  workshop is happening on Friday 3rd. The children are to come in dressed as a Victorian child. 

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Clare









Hoorah! We have reached another end of term. We had a lovely week, finishing off our topic with baking bread rolls, linked to the Great Fire of London. 

Next term, the topic is called 'School Days' This project teaches children about their own school and locality, both today and in the past. They compare schooling in the Victorian era to their experiences today. We will find out lots of information about the past times of our own school. It would be lovely, if over the holidays, the children could talk to parents/grandparents about their time at school and write a sentence to bring into school in the first week after the half term. 

No spellings have been set, however, it will be helpful for your child to look at the spellings they have had so far to keep them fresh in their memory. 

Have a lovely half term, rest well.

Kind regards

Mrs Clare and the team


P.S Please keep reading books to your children pointing to the words as you read to them. I have also added tis week's books on e-Collins library.

The last week term 3



Dear Parents,

It has been a busy week, trying to make our landmark models ready to burn next week at forest school. 

In phonics, we have been 'growing the code' ie looking at the same sound made with different graphemes. For example, 'oo, ui, ou',

'ee, ea, e, e-e, ie,ey & y,'    's, ss, c, se, ce',   'z, zz, s & se'  and    ' oa, ow,   oe, ou, o-e, o'.

This week's tricky words-  water, want, any, many, again, could, would, should, whole, where, two, ask, Mr, Mrs, Ms, school, call, different, people, your, their, thought, through, friend & work.

In maths we continue adding and subtracting up to 20. 


The spellings for next week have been done before. Children should be able to remember them, however, going over them again gives children a chance to embed them. Please help your child learn them. 


Please, don't forget to hear your child read their book online. 


Have a great weekend.

Mrs Clare and the team.

Drawing from memory

Dear All,

This week we have finished our taxis. The children really enjoyed making them and adding the detail. We have also learnt about the Great Fire of London, in 1666. The children sang London's Burning in a round, beautifully. They looked at the draings of Stephen Wiltshire and had a go at drawing buildings from memory, using a variety of shading pencils. 


In phonics, we covered 'o'- mother, brother & touch, 'se'- cheese, noise, praise,  'se & ce'- horse, dance, purse, & 'ey'- money, donkey, monkey & key. 

Tricky words are more challenging this week- the more the children look at them and try to read and spell them the easier they ill be-

people, your, their, thought, through, friend & work. I have added 4 in the spelling books. Please help you child to learn them. 


Maths has also been rather challenging this week. The children have been learning to add numbers up to 20, by adding the ones first, for example 13+4=.   Add the 3 and 4 to make 7 and then put the 1(10) in front. Then add the part, part, whole by separating the 13 into 10 and 3. We will be practising this more next week. Going over number bonds to 10 will help the children with their mental maths.

Please, keep up the reading on the e-Collins site. 

Thank you

Mrs Clare and the Y1 team. 


Dear Parents,

This week in phonics we have learnt - 'le'- apple, gentle, beetle, sparkle,  'al'- total equal final metal,  'c' (s) - face, space ,ice & 've'- give [have] live, solve, leave.

Tricky words-  school, call, different, there- which I have added to the spelling list. Please help your child to learn their spellings.

I have added the reading books on the e-collins site. Please encourage reading at home. It would be beneficial for the children to read the book more than once. Please do keep reading the other books that have already been read, as reading books again give the children more confidence and this helps their fluency. 


In maths we have been looking at ordering random numbers up to 20. We are now beginning to add and subtract up to 20. Knowing the number bonds fluently up to 10, will help your child see a pattern. For example, if they know that 7+3=10, they will understand that 17+3=20. 

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Clare and the Y1 team.



Dear Parents,

 This term, our sub topic is called 'Taxi!'. The children have enjoyed a visit from Mr Maddy who is a London cabbie. They experienced sitting comfortably and safely in the cab. They learnt that to be a London cab driver you have to study for four years to learn 26,000 street names and routes, and 10,000 landmarks. The children looked at a large London map and marked out routes from one landmark to another, from Buckingham Palace to the London Eye and from Parliament to the Gherkin. The children then investigated wheels, axles and chassis to make their own model of a Hackney carriage. 

We have also started the main topic, Bright Lights, Big City and the children have been learning about Queen Elizabeth 11 and King Charles 111 as well as looking at London landmarks and their use. 


This week in phonics we have covered 'y'- fly, my, why, by,   'ow'- snow, grow, window,   'g'- gem, giant, magic & 'ph'- phone, photo, dolphin.

Tricky words-  could would should who whole where two.


In maths we have been learning numbers up to 20, comparing them using the language greater and smaller and more or fewer. We have been discussing the difference between teen numbers and numbers that end in 'ty' eg twenty, thirty so that we don't confuse them. We have also been writing the numbers in words. 

Have a restful weekend

Mrs Clare and the team.


Dear Parents,

A happy new year and welcome back to term 3. 

We have already begun our new topic, Bright Lights, Big City and we have looked at the role of the royal family focusing on the Queen and new King, discussing the sort of jobs they might do. 

This week in phonics, so far we have covered 'y' -funny, sunny, happy, silly, smelly,   'ea'- head, breakfast, ready,   'wh'- wheel, whisper & whale, 'oul', as in shoulder. 

The tricky words are- want, water, any, many & again, which you will find in their spelling books to learn for next week. Spelling books in by Wednesday, please. 

In maths we have been using positional language, such as left and right, first and last, and ordinal numbers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. Can your child count up to 10 using ordinal numbers? Ask them to have a go.

As I said in my last letter, a huge thankyou for the very generous Christmas gifts. I have yet to spend the voucher and the Xmas tree sat proudly in the hallway.



Mrs Clare


Dear Parents,

A huge THANK YOU to all of you for the generous gifts. I feel very spoilt and looking forward to putting my feet up with a glass and the John Lewis catalogue. 

I would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year, also much hope for better times ahead. I hope the children rest well and that Santa fulfills their wishes. 

 Kind regards,

Mrs Clare and the team. 

P.S Photos to follow soon.

Dear Parents,

Hurrah a snow day! However, I appreciate that most of you have work to do, so I am keeping the work simple so that the children can access it independently, and the work is also linked to what we are learning at school. Please just do what you can and take photos of snow activities.

This is only a guide to the day; 

8.30-9.30.   Make sure you are dressed in warm clothes and have had agood warm breakfast.

9.30 please find winter size ordering page. Cut out each character and stick them or place them in order of size or height. This links to our Maths No Problem at school which we will begin after the holidays. 

10.00 Please find snow day activity ideas  sheet for outdoors. Build three different sized snowman in order of size- short to tall or tall to short. 

11.00 With an adult make a warm drink. Hot chocolate or milk with chocolate sprinkles, or design your own drink. Have a biscuit to help you keep warm. Watch the Snowman story. Retell the story- What happened at the beginning, middle and end. Use words such as first, then, next and finally. 

11.30 Design a snow globe, Christmas theme. Don't forget to add snow using cotton wool or cut out snowflakes. 

12.30- Lunch time. 

1.30 Find the sheet- Dress the snowman. Colour the clothing and stick them to the snowman. 

2.15 My Snow day sheet- Draw/write about your snow day. Add your three words using your phonic knowledge. 

3pm Mindfulness colouring sheets/ read your books online. 

3.30pm School closed- see you tomorrow. 


The above is just a guide to help you through the day. Please adjust as appropriate for you. Enjoy your snow day.

Mrs Clare


Dear parents,

This week we have been reviewing the new sounds that we have been learning this term. Please continue to recap them over the holidays. I will not be giving any new spellings for this week or over the holidays, however your child can just look at the spellings we have covered so far over the holidays so they don't forget them. 

In maths we have been looking at 3D and 2D shapes and we have been making the 3D shapes using nets. 

We have started our new topic, Chop, Slice and Mash and children have been making a salad. They have also been learning about where food comes from, whether it is animal or plant based. 

Now the Christmas festivities have begun. The children sang beautifully at the nativity. Well done children. 

Have a super weekend, everyone.

Mrs Clare and the Y1 team


Dear Parents,

This week the children have been learning split digraph 'e-e - these, athlete, ew- new, stew, few, ie- field, shield shriek, aw- draw, straw & claw. 

The tricky words this week are; could, would, should, our, house, mouse, water & want. 

In maths we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. They have also been grouping the shapes in colours, amount of sides and corners. 

We are continuing our Wonderful World topic and looking at different settlements, such as villages, towns and cities and discussing the physical features and human features. 


The spellings for next week are 'could, would, should, our, house & want'. 


I have added this week's reading books on E-Collins library. 


Please don't forget the costumes for the performance that must be brought to school in a named carrier bag on Monday morning. Please show your child what you have given them to wear so that they recognise their clothes, or even better name them with a pen. Please see previous email sent via the office.


If you go for a walk this weekend, look out for any animal habitats and encourage the children to think about any questions. Perhaps they can google the answers or look them up in an information book. 


Have a good weekend.


Mrs Clare and the Y1 Team.






Hello everyone,

This week the children have been busy finding out about continents and oceans. We have travelled from continent to continent on Google Earth and we have been looking at countries, using globes. 

In maths we have been reviewing what we have learnt so far. We have also been using directional language  such as forwards, backwards, left and right, to get us from one place to another.

In phonics we have introduced split digraphs a-e - make, snake, made, i-e- like slide, time, o-e- home, woke, stone, u-e- cute, rude, tube & cube. 

The tricky words this week are Mr, Mrs, Ms, could, would, should, ask & our. 


Next week's spellings are in the children's spelling book, these are; said, says, you, do, like & put.


I have added this week's books on e-collins. Please help you child read their book. 

Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Clare and the Y1 team.


Hello everyone,

This week in phonics the children have been introduced to new sounds, 'o'- post, most, open, i- tiger, child, spider, a- paper, chasing, baking, & e- fever, secret, being.

Tricky words- your, people, their, oh, Mr, Mrs, Ms & ask. 


In maths we have been using stories to make subtraction and addition number sentences. 


To finish off the Human Senses topic the children tasted a variety of apples, to investigate sweet, sour or bitter with their tongue. The Golden Delicious apples were the most popular and Granny Smith apples the least popular. 


We have started the new topic, Our Wodeful world, learning about the physical and human features of our planet. We have also looked at an atlas and studied local maps, focusing on the key. 


The children have been doing well with their spellings. Please continue to help your child learn them.  There are less spellings this week as they are more challenging.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Clare and the Y1 team. 

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to term 2. 

This week in phonics, the children have been introduced to some new sounds- 'ir'- bird, first, shirt, skirt,     'ie'- pie, cried, tie, fried, 

'ue' -blue, glue, clue, argue, rescue & 'u'- unicorn, tuna, music.

Tricky words this week- here, today, one, their, people, oh & your. 


The new spellings for this week are in the children's spelling books, these are- he, she, we, me, be, what, when, have & love. Please help you child practice them. 


In maths, we have begun subtraction up to 10. We have been learning new words that mean take away, such as 'minus, subtract, & find the difference between'. The children have been making up their own subtraction stories, for example 6 children go for a walk in the park, 4 children go home, how many are left? Can they make up some subtraction stories round the dinner table? Encourage them to have a go. 


Topic- we have started our science topic called Human Senses. The children have had great fun learning about their 5 senses. Today we had an afternoon listening to, and guessing the sound for example a dog barking, an engine revving and a tap running. Using their sight, the children had to look at pictures of parts of objects and name them, for example a tree trunk, a front light of a car and the end of a pencil.  Covered cups with a variety of flavours, got our sense of smell working and some were tricky to detect, such as perfume, an orange, mint herbs,  and vinegar. Using our tongue to taste was received with great excitement when tasting cucumber, pear, raspberry, lemon & orange. Lastly, and possibly the most challenging were the feely bags using our hands to feel, fabric, rubber, plastic, metal and sand. 


I have added the reading books on e-Collins library, please let your child read the book and look at the comprehension questions at the back of the books. 

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Clare.




21.10. 22

Dear Parents,

Finally, we have reached the end of a very busy term. The children have settled into the Y1 routine really well and they are now confident with the  new routine. They have worked very hard and are ready for a rest after a long term. 

This week, we have recapped the phase 3 sounds, so please keep finding them in the reading books. 

I have given each child a spelling book, with the tricky words to learn from Little Wandle. Please help your child learn the spellings for next term. The instructions are at the top of the page. The children should bring the spelling book back every Wednesday so I can add the next spellings in the book. They will have a spelling check on Thursday and take the book home to learn the new spellings for the following week. A the spellings become more challenging, I will add fewer words to the list. 


In maths next term we will be looking at subtraction within 10. Talking to your child about the language used in subtraction will help- subtract, takeaway, fewer, less than, the difference between & minus. 


Our topics for next term are; Our Wonderful World-  This essential skills and knowledge project teaches children about physical and human features, maps, cardinal compass points, and positional and directional language. They learn about the equator, hemispheres and continents and are introduced to the countries, capital cities and settlements of the United Kingdom. The children carry out simple fieldwork to find out about local physical and human features.


Human Senses- This project teaches children that humans are a type of animal known as a mammal. They name and count body parts and identify similarities and differences. They learn about the senses, the body parts associated with each sense and their role in keeping us safe.


Chop, Slice and Mash- This project teaches children about sources of food and the preparatory skills of peeling, tearing, slicing, chopping, mashing and grating. They use this knowledge and techniques to design and make a supermarket salad according to specific design criteria.


This week's books are on E-Collins library. Please continue to read the sharing books to your child over the holidays. 


Have a happy holiday, everyone.

Mrs Clare and the Y1 team.


Still image for this video
Singing our dinosaur song


Dear Parents,

This week we have reviewed all sounds so far. Please do check that your child knows all their sounds, which are on previous class pages. 

In maths we have been using addition stories to add objects together using the language add, and, plus, equals, totals, & altogether. For example, I have 5 cars and 4 lorries, how many vehicles do I have in total? Can you write the sum 5+4=9. We have used our bodies to make a + sign and our arms to make an = sign.

On Thursday, we had a fabulous trip to Godstone Farm and the weather was very kind to us. We began with the dinosaur trail, looking out for the triceratops, T-rex and the stegosaurus and finding out facts as we went along. This was followed by looking at todays animals in the barn and comparing them to the dinosaurs. Were they carnivores, herbivores or omnivores ?

After  feeding the pigs their lunch, we settled in the barn to have our lunch and then the children enjoyed some time on the adventure playground, followed by choosing their souvenir from the shop. A huge thank you to the parents that helped, we couldn't have gone on the trip without you. 

The children were very polite, on their best behaviour and they listened well to instructions. I was very proud of them. Well done Y1.

I have put this week's books on the e-Collins library. Please let your child show off their reading skills. 

Enjoy your weekend. 

Mrs Clare and the Y1 team.



Dear parents,

This week in phonics we have covered the sounds 'ay-day, say, play, spray, may & crayon'. 

'ou'- cloud, sound, about, out, proud & found.

'oy'- boy, toy, joy, enjoy, annoy, destroy.

'ea'- sea, read, heap, treat, least & each. 

Tricky words- said, says, you, do,like, little,push,put,pull & full. 

Please recap at home.

Don't forget to read the e-Collins books online, using expression and asking the children questions. 

Sharing books (the books you read to your children) will be coming home on Tuesdays and Fridays.


In maths we have been adding by counting on, for example there are 5 cars in the box, here are 3 more. How many do you have in total? Remember, you do not have to start counting from 1. You know there are 5 cars in the box. Put 5 in your head and count on, 3 more. 5...... 6,7,8. There are 8 cars in total. Please practise this with your children making it fun and using toys, pasta, etc.


In our dinosaur topic, this week we have been using similes to compare dinosaurs. Ask the children what a simile is. Can they remember how to compare a dinosaur to something else? 


For next week, please send in a clean sock and a half litre plastic bottle to make a puppet. The children have enjoyed looking at a variety of craft resources to help them design their 'Sockasaurus'. 


Lastly, a huge well done to the children, they sang beautifully at the harvest festival. I hope you all enjoyed our song. Thank you for coming and supporting your child. 


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Clare and the team. 



Dear Parents, 

This week in phonics we have covered the sounds- ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, oo, rea, air, er, sh, ch, th, qu, ar, or, ur, oi, ow, ng, ck & ure.

Words- frog, frost, drum, flag, hand, milk, bench, chest, thinks, thump, thrash, chimp,flight, slight, bright, smear, spear, appear, paint, stair, clown, train, spoon & brown.

New words- snack, shelf, shrink, squelch, stand, slept, springs, shrill, splat, plum, scrap, scrubs, green, spoil, tree, groan, floating, steep, starlight, treetop, freshness, driftwood, windmill & starfish. 

Tricky words- was, they, some, come, were, there, sure & pure. 


In maths we are learning to 'part, part, whole'. Eg- the whole number is 10, how many ways can we make 10? 0+10,

1+9, 2+8 etc. 

Rhyme for number bonds-

0 +10 are big strong men,

1+ 9 are feeling fine,

2+ 8 are never late,

3 + 7 come from Devon,

4 + 6 like to play tricks, 

5 +5 come alive, 

6 + 4 open the door, 

7 + 3 come for tea,

8 + 2 are feeling blue, 

9 + 1 have just gone,

10 + 0 are super heroes. 


This afternoon, in link with our topic, we had fun telling dinosaur jokes. The children understood that a joke was to make people laugh, but didn't really understand the concept of the double meaning punchline. This week end, please tell dinosaur jokes round the dinner table. Explain the punchline and the double meaning. The children can bring in their favourite joke next week to tell the class. 


In your child's bag there is an envelope for harvest. Please encourage your child to decorate the envelope and bring it back on Monday with any small donations.  

Your child will also bring home an art sheet in their bag for their Christmas design. 

The words for our harvest song will also be in their bags for your child to practise.

You will have found in your child's reading diary a book mark with questions for reading. Just a couple of questions each time they read would be beneficial. 


Finally, please make sure all items of clothing are named, as we found un-named items and the children do not know whom they belong to. 

Thank you.

Mrs Clare


Dear Parents,

This week in phonics we have covered ;

ai ee igh oa ow ear air er sh zz ss ch sh qu ar ai or ear ng ck th oi. 

Words- fears howl year fishes fizzes misses night feeling goats coil fairs boils.

Tricky words- what when he she we be me have love.

In Maths we have been ordering numbers and comparing numbers to 10. 

Science Topic- Animal Parts

The children have been looking at different animals and grouping them into amphibians, mammals, reptiles, invertabrates, fish & birds. We have also looked at which animals are herbivores, carnivores or omnivores. 


Homework -this weekend, please help you child practise listening skills. Ask them to repeat what you have asked them to do. 


I have added a copy of the Parent Curriculum meeting below. 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Clare

